CA Delta boaters

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jan 13, 2005
No worries Manuel, and thanks for your message.

BTW I'm not too far from you, just 32 miles or so east on Hwy 4.

Edit: New topic created to split, move and merge messages from this topic.
Cool, I also have a small place on the water on Dutch Slough, though not the best area but still a nice little place to get away.
That must be on/near Bethel Island. We're over in Discovery Bay, not too far away. Do you fish the Delta?
Dutch Slough and Taylor both separate the island from Oakley. I can throw a rock across the slough to Bethel Island.
Never got into the fish other than eating them. We just cruise our day cruiser around out there.
Lots of Delta waterways to access in that day cruiser. Which brand?
That was way cool to start this. it was getting away from the other postings for sure.
The boat we have is one I had built in 1982. It is a 21' Day cruiser from Tahiti/Caribbean with a big block Chevy engine and a modified Panther jet. Not much of a fishing boat but we enjoy it alot and is a good ride around the delta. We don't use it as hotrod or skiing just cruise like we do with our old Corvette. This thing is well maintained with all new interior and buffed out well. It does not stay in the water except when we stay a few days at our delta house , then it stays in the water tied up in our covered dock.
That sounds like a really cool boat. Any chance you could share a photo or three?

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