Camp Games

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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2012
On the road
Howdy y'all  8)
We are wondering what sort of outdoor games folks play while camping/full timing.
We like playing a good old fashion game of washer pitch. My arm and shoulder is shot so it is easier on me than horseshoes, yet it is fun and somewhat challenging.

So, what are you playing while sipping your cold one??
My favorite campground game is watching other RVers. Like the people with rentals parking it and setting it up. Or the time I watched a guy drive a 5er into a U turn with a tree in the middle of turn. When he got stuck they tried sawing down the tree. Finally he had to take my suggestion and back out. We had quite a party.
Hi Tom,
Yeah, watching the circus is always a hoot.
Hope that wasn't a state or fed CG where they were hacking on the tree.
Dominoes are a big outdoors amusement.  For one thing, dominoes are a bit more wind resistant than playing cards.  Mexican Train, and Chickenfoot are good games for 4 or 5,  Fives are good for two people.  Rummy Cubes and Scrabble are also good.

For games that involve moving about, Bocce ball is a good game.  An empty RV site makes for a decent court.
After sitting behind the wheel for the better part of the day I like to move around to loosen up some. Can't get too carried away since I'm on oxygen (have a backpack style carrier that stays out of my way), but I like activity.
Table games are good sometimes too.
Scrabble is stimulating and can be the source of some good laughter.

I don't recall ever playing bocce ball. I think I'd enjoy it tho.
We carry a good supply of outdoor games for the kids - ladder ball & bean bag toss (our Southern friends call it "corn hole") for example. These are great games for adults, too - you always have one hand free for a cold one! Most campgrounds we visit have some sort of field so we also usually have a kick ball and soccer ball. We carry a few board games, too, for those rainy days. A recent favorite is "The Logo Game". You can get an app on your phone/iPod/tablet, too. It's quite interesting to see what you think you know about every day logos!

Have never played bocce at a campground but play it at EVERY family outing, season permitting. Probably tossed my first ball at about 2 years old. Love it!
Hello Joe,
What old guy doesn't like Legos  ;D
I'll check out the app.

My dog and I play tennis, golf, soccer, keepaway,  frisbee, teddy bear toss and musical chairs.

Human friends we fly a kite, play scrabble, frisbee, gamble and guess-the-debt.
Our Good Sam group plays bean bag baseball.  They have a board with large holes cut in them:  1 each for 1st, 2nd, third and homerun and two for outs.  Holes have to fit the bean bags, about 3x3 inches each.  Each player gets 3 bags.  Played like regular baseball, but instead of running bases, we walk.  Each base is marked by a chair for sitting while waiting to 'come home'.  Played in teams divided by how many show up..

Last outing another chapter who were camping nearby, came over to challenge us.  We were doing well, until the 7th inning, when they blew us away.  Ah, well, everyone had a good time, and we all made some new friends. 

Ahhhh, a nice nap in a comfy chair on a warm afternoon sounds good too.

Beanbag baseball sounds like my speed now days...walking and chair at the bases, cool.

Mermaid, our little dog (min-pin) was a breeding animal in a puppy mill. She has a messed up shoulder so has trouble running and jumping. She was abused (still pretty skiddish with strangers) and never learned about play. Much better after nearly 2 years of love, but still hasn't got the hang of returning anything thrown. We are very thankful that she doesn't cry all night like she did for the first couple months. Poor thing was scared of everything and any movement meant danger back then. She is a real sweetie even if she can't keep up with the big dogs.
We had a "Meet and Greet" we borrowed the camp golf cart then set up the orange cones.
We chose up pairs and then blindfolded the driver, the passenger was then required to tell the driver how to turn,go slow and go faster through the maze of orange cones.
This went on for over an hour and was the most fun I have had in a long time. We talked about it all threw dinner and until  we left the next day.
Now I liked that one.  Sounds like loads of fun.  I'm sending it to our GS leader.

larry6943 said:
We chose up pairs and then blindfolded the driver, the passenger was then required to tell the driver how to turn,go slow and go faster through the maze...

That game is routinely played daily on many Florida highways.  ;D
Belonged to a sports car club in the early 60's and had a fun event [no racing] in a large parking lot.  Cones were put in a straight line a certain distance apart, driver was blind folded and passenger was to tell driver where to go.  All of the  instructors sat in the passenger seat to give instructors except the last one.  She sat behind the driver and held his head in her hands, twist his head in the direction she wanted him to go.  Worked ok for the first 3 cones and then he got way off coarse.  At that point she almost twisted his head off.  He flung the blind fold off and  the shouting begin.  They  are still married.

Bill Dane  99 CC  Allure
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