Campground at Lake Powell, AZ

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Campfire RV

Well-known member
Mar 24, 2012
Ridgecrest, CA
I was working on our cross country trip in the MH in July and I came across Lake Powell, AZ as a possible place to visit for a couple days before we get back home. I checked out their website and it appears they have three campgrounds to choose from. Has anyone stayed at any of the campgrounds listed (Wahweap RV & Camping, Bullfrog RV, or Halls Crossing RV) or any others that are not noted on the site? Let me know anything you may know about this place and if it is worth staying a couple nights or not.

I have stayed several times - here in Page AZ. Near lake Powell, easy driving distance and make sure you DO NOT miss a visit to Antelope Canyon.

Here is the campsite I usually stay in, it is very nice, basic with hookups, nice rest rooms and indoor pool and hot tub...

Not bad for the rate they charge.

Have a great trip - The area around Page and Kanab is beautiful...with a ton to see!


We have stayed at both Wahweap RV  &  Page - Lake Powell Campgrounds.  I think Wahweap costs about twice as much the Page - Lake Powell.  Both of them work.  The view is nicer at Wahweap, but I'm not sure it's worth the money if you are not into water sports at the lake.

Lake Powell/Page is a great place to visit.  Lots of things to do and see.
Unless you want to specifically want to go there, Bullfrog is seriously I the middle of nowhere. There is a nice NPS campground there with no hookups as well as the concessionaire-operated one with hookups.

Near Wahweap is our favorite Lake Powell campsite, Lone Rock - boondocking on the shores of the lake.

Be sure to check the National Park Service website for Lake Powell / Glen Canyon at for info on the NPS campgrounds.

Thanks for all the great ideas everyone. Since we will be there around mid July I would like to stay on the water because once we return home there will be no water close by and it will be really hot when we return.

Hookups aren't that important to me which is one of the reasons I purchased the MH so we can get away and stay places for cheap. We have really enjoyed the National Park campgrounds so far in our first year of camping.
You might to rethink the hookups. It gets REALLY hot at Lake Powell in July. Once when we there at Bullfrog in late June, it was 95 in the motorhome before we cranked up the generator and got the A/C running.

Agree with Wendy.  Our southwestern deserts get really hot in the summer and all that heat stays in the RV because the walls retain the heat for quite a while even if you open all the windows to air out.  You'll probably want A/C in July.

I stayed at Wahweap in the summer of 2012 and as I remember it was very nice.  Paved spots for the camper, fire ring, level, nice restrooms (I htink there was a fee ffro the shower).  Campstore was pricey for firewood and I didn't see any alternatives in the area to buy wood (considering it's a desert, I shouldn't be surprised).  I looked at the other campgrounds in the area and concluded that if I was spending most of my time at the lake, the campgrounds outside of the park were too far away or not very nice.


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