Can I block a forum category?

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But there are no forums listed in that drop down when I click "watched forums," nor any apparent way to put any forum in a "watch" mode.
I was referring to the list of forms shown in my prior screenshot, and not the watched list. Jackie explained how to add forums to your watched forums list. Hope we now have it covered.
I guess this is really adding what you want to see rather than blocking what you don't. Takes a bit of up front time but hopefully lessens hassle afterwards. The latest/new posts will still show things you don't want to see though. You'll have to access everything through the Watched Forums section.
hen go to the Watched Forums

And it should appear.

Ive just added the top one.

Hope that helps.
Thanks, Jackie- that did it. Odd that I'd never noticed the Watched button next to Mark Read which I use all the time.
I was referring to the list of forms shown in my prior screenshot, and not the watched list. Jackie explained how to add forums to your watched forums list. Hope we now have it covered.
She got it- thanks Tom.
Odd that I'd never noticed...
Hey, you're not alone! I've been checking in here most days for a long time and continue to discover things about the forum that I was unaware of. I learned some things in this thread in fact.

Seems there's always new things to learn. For example, here's something I didn't know existed until fairly recently. See that little arrow next to the person's name? Clicking that will take you back to the full text of that person's post. One really doesn't need to know all the quirks of course, but sometimes the quirks (aka features) can be useful.

Well - I always start the day by reading "threads with your posts." - These are threads that I have posted in and it's a good way to jump in to update conversations I am already playing in.

Of course, by reading these threads they are cleared from the "new posts" list. Then when I click into "new posts" I simply look at post count. If it is more than say 20, I know that I have already considered the post, may have even clicked in prior but not interested.

Also I have been on forums since the usenet groups of the late 80s-90s. There is always an OCD risk of participating too much for me and spending 8 hours on a forum. I used to post a lot more here but TBH I have dialed back a ton on what threads I jump into.

I just ignore what I am not interested in. For example, MAKING MUSIC ON THE ROAD, I don' sing, cannot play any instruments, zero musical talent, so no interest. End result is I ignore that forum, just skip over it.

I do not use NEW POSTS, rather on the desktop or laptop, I look to the right at LATEST POSTS for anything that sounds interesting, and then sometimes I click on forums I have the most interest in, such as Tech or Winnebago, and leave it at that.

She got it- thanks Tom.
One curious observation: On the web page in Waterfox and in Chrome, when I'm at the very top of the main page and click on that FORUMS "button" there is no arrow to allow me to choose anything, clicking just recycles me to the top. But if I scroll down 'til the picture at the top disappears (red bar is at the very top)then the arrow appears and I can select what to watch. It's not a big deal, but puzzling.
One curious observation: On the web page in Waterfox and in Chrome, when I'm at the very top of the main page and click on that FORUMS "button" there is no arrow to allow me to choose anything, clicking just recycles me to the top. But if I scroll down 'til the picture at the top disappears (red bar is at the very top)then the arrow appears and I can select what to watch. It's not a big deal, but puzzling.
I hadn't noticed, but Firefox behaves the same way.
I read a few of the posts in 'General Tech, 'The Shade Tree', and a couple others. Then I just mark the entire forum as 'Read' and start over again the next day.
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