Canadian newspaper story about RV sales

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“Tourism spending is up, the agency reported, with air transport and accommodations leading the growth in the fourth quarter. However, pre-trip expenses — which includes RVs and camping equipment — was the only product category to decrease last year, falling nine per cent.”
We fly international several times a year. The flights are full. We also cruise a few times a year. The ships are full. I also hear members on this forum have a hard time getting reservations at parks. I guess they aren’t buying new RV’s.
I follow a couple Facebook rv sites, yikes, the money people spent, the depreciated value, not many can come close to getting out without substantial losses. I believe a correction is coming due. (and this doesn't even address the other side, and that is the complete garbage most RV mfg are letting out the door as of covid.)
They forgot to mention the word got out about the junk the manufacturers pushed out the door. Have been getting all kinds of offers to trade my 2022 in for a newer model in the past month. Would like to but know I’ll get reamed bad on the trade in. Plus, I have my 5th wheel almost all fixed from the numerous warranty fixes and my work. I’ll keep what I have for now.
“Tourism spending is up, the agency reported, with air transport and accommodations leading the growth in the fourth quarter. However, pre-trip expenses — which includes RVs and camping equipment — was the only product category to decrease last year, falling nine per cent.”
We fly international several times a year. The flights are full. We also cruise a few times a year. The ships are full. I also hear members on this forum have a hard time getting reservations at parks. I guess they aren’t buying new RV’s.
RV sales like, bicycles, kayaks, backpacks, etc skyrocketed during the pandemic and what goes up must come down. Unfortunately too animal shelters are overwhelmed with dogs and cats, what was a good idea in 2020 is a pita in 2022/23/24, so they're discarded like the trash.
RV sales like, bicycles, kayaks, backpacks, etc skyrocketed during the pandemic and what goes up must come down. Unfortunately too animal shelters are overwhelmed with dogs and cats, what was a good idea in 2020 is a pita in 2022/23/24, so they're discarded like the trash.
People don’t realize how much time, effort and money it takes to own a pet. Vet visits, food, time. You just can’t get a pet and throw them in the corner. We have a rescue from the SPCA. Cost us $300. But he’s worth it. Best dog ever.


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I follow a couple Facebook rv sites, yikes, the money people spent, the depreciated value, not many can come close to getting out without substantial losses. I believe a correction is coming due. (and this doesn't even address the other side, and that is the complete garbage most RV mfg are letting out the door as of covid.)
I read a post on one of the RVing forums where the guy had a blown engine and he was asking for advice. Should he spend the money to have a new engine installed in his 8 yr old DP MH or cut his losses and sell it even though he is upsidedown on the loan.
Tough situation for sure.

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