Did you or did you not make the first post, which was highly political ...
Eh? What's "highly political" about my message?
Today was, or should have been, a special day for us all, on two counts. This is the day when we put politics aside and respect the "peaceful transfer of power/office", although this was a 2-term President. I was out most of the day, but I watched the "official" oaths being administered yesterday, and watched the "ceremonial" oaths being administered today. I've also watched parts of today's events via DVR, with lots more to watch.
I felt for the singers on this cold day in DC. Kelly Clarkson did a credible, but very restrained job. Beyonce did a good, albeit somewhat controlled, job of delivering our national anthem.
Lest we forget, today was also Martin Luther King Day. Google celebrated the day with a special Google doodle.
I've never revealed my political position(s) in this forum in the 20 years we've been around, and I've consciously avoided commenting on anyone else's political position/opinion. So I'm flabbergasted at the suggestion that I would post a "highly political" message.
....I don't think what you did was fair, and by that I mean, posting a political statement, asking for comments, and then locking the thread when there was a hint of disagreement.
I sure didn't post a "political statement", and there was nothing in that first message to disagree with, unless you disagree with the basic process of inaugurating our "new" president every 4 years.
With due respect, I suggest you re-read this topic from the beginning. I guess my mistake was to respond to donn's "no comment" reply with "Everyone is free to comment or not". It never occurred to me that anyone would interpret that as an invitation to turn this joyous event for our country into something that wasn't intended when I posted.
Bottom line is that, if someone is looking for political discussion or a fight, this is not the right forum them; There are numerous alternative forums on the internet for either of those purposes.
Hopefully we get to meet in person one day, and you get a better understanding of who runs this forum. Meanwhile, you'll have to make do with the folks who've met me, some of whom have been good friends for many years.
It would be nice to get your thoughts on the above.
Hope I didn't disappoint ;D