Cantankerous Thermostat and other stuff

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2012
Last night it was good and cold (that groundhog in PA don't know what the heck he's talking about, lol) and I had been to Wallyworld to pick up a universal controller for the Apex digital converter box that was left in the MH when we bought it. This is my new 2002 MH so keep that in mind as I am so much a rookie with this stuff. With all these "systems" it's like walking into the space shuttle for me :)
Anyway, I toggle "on" the batteries, inverter, crank up the generator, turn on some lights and go back to the bedroom to fire up the furnaces. Well I get to the back and the bedroom radio is trying to play, that dang thing is like possessed. It's turning on and off, on and off (there's another bug to work out)  :(
I look at the thermostat and the display shows 00 for the temp, zone 2, heat....and thats all it will do, locked up and no button will make it do nothin'. So I pull the 12 volt fuse to kill the thermostat, plug it back in and it's still locked up. End of the furnace, froze my "ears" off playing with that thing, I did get the new universal remote programed to operate the old converter box but my TV reception was only one station (and it faded in and out).
I get on the net and read that RFI interference causes this old stat to lock up, well between the radio and the florescent light that I had on that probably was cause for "Radio Frequency Interference" aka, RFI  ;D

My question: What do you guy's do to combat the RFI. Is there a thermostat that will solve this problem or do I disconnect the back radio and unhook the florescent lights?
Do I rip out the old antiquated TV's and install digitals or is there something else to try for better TV reception. I do have a satellite dish on the MH as well as a old L3 TracView system and Direct TV in my real house but I was just trying to get away from the satellite bondage.

Love this RV stuff  ;D

Getting a new digital TV won't help your reception problem one bit. Do you live close to a major city? If you are within 30 miles of one you should receive 30 or more channels. There is a video switching box and it might be set to the wrong input. It will look something like the box pictured below. They are usually well hidden in a cabinet somewhere close to the external roof mounted antenna.


  • video switch box.jpg
    video switch box.jpg
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Yep I have found the switching box and had the antenna button pushed. I did not check to make sure the antenna coaxial cable was for sure screwed into the correct port on the back but I'll be checking that. Do you think the poor reception could be coming from the converter box? 
Bag the box....Get a new TV, from personal experience, the converter is a hassle and i got better reception with the new digital ready LCD.

Good luck,
I doubt the convertor box could cause the poor reception, but I do agree with Dan that a new TV is a much better option. 32 inch HDTVs are now around $200.
And, less weight in the coach is always a good thing!  :)

The fluorescent lights in RVs are noted for RFI problems.  Most are good but a few start having problems.  Turn on the radio and the TV  and keep the light off and I will bet there is no problem.  If the light is the cause, a new ballast will fix it.  About $25.
I noticed nobody mentioned the antenna amplifier. Is your amp turned on? It must be on to get more stations. It is usually a panel about 4 inches square with a small push button and a LED light. Look around you switch box.
waroland said:
I noticed nobody mentioned the antenna amplifier. Is your amp turned on? It must be on to get more stations. It is usually a panel about 4 inches square with a small push button and a LED light. Look around you switch box.

I did see a box that had a push button and LED light, it also had some kind of a digital readout. It looks like a box the size of a receptacle or residential light switch. It's mounted in the side compartment over the driver. I thought it was something to do with the crank-up satellite dish. Could this be the amplifier?

It could indeed, although I'm not sure about the digital readout. There's generally a TV (F-connector) jack on it, as well. If the light is on, the antenna is active (amplified). With the light off, the connections are ready to be fed by cable TV inputs (usually from a jack on the outside of the rig). Or maybe someone knows more about that digital readout...
It could be the Winegard Digital Magic display, but I've not seen one with an LED.  Just a 2 digit LCD display and a push button (mine is square).  If that's what it is, it has nothing to do with your over the air television antenna is is for accurately elevating a Winegard crank up satellite antenna.
I found the antenna booster, just like y'all said! I was able to get 20+ stations. I also got the furnaces to come on and cycle with no problems.
Thanks to all for your guidance,

A happy camper  :)
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