I had a Cat 350 in my Vectra. It just never seemed to have much power and quite honestly I didn't see what all the big deal about a DP was. The other day I was reading about the Cats and the article said that the ACERT they used for emissions compliance was not super reliable and had many problems. Well one of the issues was lower power. Now my CAT ran like that for 12,000 miles with fairly good reliability but just never had much go. Even completely empty with no gear in it or water and not towing anything there are hills around Pennsylvania I could barely maintain 37 MPH on.Anybody else with that engine have any input? The reason I am asking is I dont think I would buy a DP again (at least not for the power).I know it is very difficult to diagnose this now but boy was that DP a dog. I dont know if the only symptom could be partial power or if it would be complete failure.