ceiling light switch stuck

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2010
hello again,

  this morning, went to turn on the kitchen ceiling light and it is stuck in the off position hmmm.... have tried a long time to turn it on but it will
not budge.  also I have wanted to remove the plastic covering to see what type of light bulbs it is using so as to replace them with LED bulbs.

  any suggestion on un-stucking the light switch and how to remove the plastic covering?  I have tried to pry it and it seems to want to come
off but then again it could break off which is not good.

  thank you,

bill & jodi
Hard to say without a picture of the switch or the light. There are many different types. Any chance you could post one?

Generally the plastic lens on the light fixture do pop off, and they are quite flexible,
hmmm tried to post a pic of the light fixture but the site keeps saying the file is too large.  I got it down to 1545kb.  Don't know how to get it
any more smaller.  but the light is kinda oblong shape with the light bulbs on two sides with the light switch in the middle.

thank you again,

bill & jodi
The plastic covers will come off, but if the plastic is old and brittle it will probably break.  The secret is there are tabs on all 4 sides, you have to compress the lens so two adjacent sides pop out together.

Once you get the lense covers off, you'll see the fixture is held in with 4 or 6 mounting screws.

The good news is replacement lenses are available at RV stores like Camping World.
Lou Schneider said:
The good news is replacement lenses are available at RV stores like Camping World.
The entire light fixture isn't too expensive.  If you break the lens and still have a bad switch, I'd recommend replacing the fixture.
ok thank you for replies, will try again to pry it open as I tried today, seems stuck. 

  will give it another go and see what happens and hopefully it comes out and see if I can un-jam the light switch.

bill & jodi
no was not able to un-jam rocker switch, got down to the wires and hmmm... lots of them ... trying to see what we can do now.
we also checked with campingworld, and of course they don't carry that same light fixture, and we purchased the TT from them 8 mos ago, might have to take our whole TT down there just to have a replacement light fixture installed, after they order it. 

  we are F/T so its a pain to go all the way down there for 1 fixture but we need it fixed, so we'll see.

bill & jodi
Check RVLeds (above); they sell the entire fixture with LEDs already in them. We replaced all of the fixtures in our last MH with them. Worked out really well, but not cheap.


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