Cheap ISP's for Dialup

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Steve CDN

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2005
What are the choices for cheap dialup ISP's, which are reliable, providing good support, do not need propietaty front end software like JUNO or NETZERO  that provide local access phone numbers throughout USA and Canada?
Steve said:
What are the choices for cheap dialup ISP's, which are reliable, providing good support, do not need propietaty front end software like JUNO or NETZERO? that provide local access phone numbers throughout USA and Canada?

I use Earthlink. Pay $14.95/month I think. Get 7 email addresses. It's not unlimited usage, but I've never run out. Earthlink has an extensive phone network in US, Mexico and Canada plus there's an 800 number (additional cost) if you happen to be where there's no dedicated number.
There are literally dozens to choose from now.  Lots of "virtual ISPs" exist because everybody is using MCI/Worldcom's physical network anyway, so there is essentially no cost for having nodes (phone numbers) available across the US.  You often end up dialing the same phone numbers as an AOL or other big ISP, but your logon distiguishes you  and you are connected you to another provider instead.  They may not have 800 numbers, though. The going rate is around $8.95-$10.95 per month [unlimited] and perhaps an additional $3-5 per month if you desire an accelerator. I thnk Earthlink includes an accelerator in their prices - they do in their full service package.

I've had good results with an outfit named ISP.COM (see their web site). I've used them in a couple areas where I spent a long enough time to want a local pone line.  You download their dialer software to help find the local number and make the connection, but there is no proprietary browser or email client needed - use whatever you like.

Some places to look up available ISPs:
Everyone does use the same fiber providers, bandwith is cheap because it was so overbuilt in the dot-com boom, that is why Worldcom and the others went bankrupt.  The ISPs lease their modems from fiber providers but I have never heard of them using the same phone numbers, unless it was AOL, Netscape and Compuserve...they are all owned by AOL, or actually they are all owned by Time Warner.  I would go with either Netscape or Compuserve if you didn't want to part with the extra money for AOL, i think you will find they have a lot more local access numbers around the country and they have 800 numbers if you are willing to pay a surcharge.
The ISP I use CPU-NET uses the so called UU-Net as one of its dial up networks.? The UU-Net utilizes the same telephone numbers across North America as Earthlink.? I pay $9.95 for unlimited service while Earthlink charges $19.95 for exactly the same service.
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