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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2012
Indianapolis, IN
I am likely the millionth with this complaint. All was well, when all of a sudden I drained my black and grey tanks. Then I looked at the indicators and the grey water says 2/3 full, but it's empty. I have filled it a few times, hoping it would wash whatever is making i signal to clean off. Nope.... I just wasted my time.

I am looking for an easy way to clean the sensors. My current thought is to dump a bottle of simple green down a drain, fill and drain. Simple Green is a good grease cutter and since it's the grey tank, that's all I can think of that would stick on a sensor.

Suggestions, Help, or am I barking up the wrong tree. I am parked and don't want to move the coach for another two months.
There is no reliable way to clean those sensors that will keep them clean.  Many of us just ignore them and know when our tank(s) are full and need emptying.  One option is to install a set of external sensors, like the Garnet system, but it's not cheap.
Since your unit is a 2005, you should have the external sensors (previously they were internal.)  Ours would sporadically not read correctly either and I finally got frustrated enough to install the Garnet SeeLevel system.

Like Ned said, I don't think there is any foolproof way to keep the tank walls clean.  Coincidentally Simple Green is my preferred tank cleaner - I'll dump about 1/2 gallon of the concentrate in the tank and fill it up completely and let it sit as long as possible - at least a day.  Then dump, then fill the tank full again (no Simple Green at this step) and dump again.
The rig sitting still exacerbates the problem, allowing residue to sit against the tank walls for extended periods.  I too have the Garnet See Level system, but just as a matter of practice I will occasionally not dump the tanks when moving, and throw a packet of waste digester in route to the next camping spot.  It dissolves the gunk and then I dump when I get to the next hook up spot. 

Other than that there is no reliable way to keep the tank innards spotless all the time.
I have not had any issues with my grey water, but my black water tank would not read correctly, so I emptied it just before a long drive, then filled it about 3/4 full and dumped 10 pounds of ice through the toilet. Then moved about a 100 miles, the ice of course melted but not before sloshing around and knocking any thing on the walls of the tank loose, haven't had a problem since.

I have put a bunch of simple green down my grey water tank when I first got this unit, even though it was working fine, but I had a foul smell when I drained it the first time...been fine ever since but will more than likely do that again before summer!

Good Luck,


Wigpro said:
...I emptied it just before a long drive, then filled it about 3/4 full and dumped 10 pounds of ice through the toilet. Then moved about a 100 miles..
We've done that before.  I have no idea if the usual coach movement will cause the ice to climb the tank sides but I'm sure it's a great way to keep the bottom clean.
Well I'm still at it. I put a full gallon of Simple Green in and filled as much as I thought was enough to hit the sensors. No joy. Just another $ 10 down the drain (not funny, but sounds familiar). Now I have a gallon of some Purple stuff in the grey tank that a Lowes employee says will clean an engine. So far ---- it appears another $ 7 down the drain. Wonder if a gallon of gas and a match will clean 'em?  Yes, I am frustrated.
Automotive greasy is petroleum based, septic grease is fat based. Any thoughts on throwing in a quart of non sudsing ammonia? That'll cut fat.

The problem is that the sensors don't work becaust they are cruddy (technical term) and cannot be reliably cleaned so they do. Give up or intall sensors that work (see above). Or just learn to judge when you're approaching full!


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