Cloudy Headlight Lens

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1000 grit, then 1500 grit, and finishing up with 2000 grit wet-sanding, while using Meguires detailing mist as a lubricant.  Finally, Meguires Plastic Polish.  It's smooth as glass at that point, with a brand new looking lens.
I have had decent luck with Mothers brand.  They have a kit available at most auto parts stores.  The trick is don't let the lenses get in too bad of shape before trying to do something about it.  I regularly wax the lenses whenever the vehicle gets waxed (Spring and Fall).  I just got rid of a 2000 Oldsmobile that the original headlight lenses looked like new.
My 2000 Bounder has the two headlight lenses, turn signals unedneath them, and side marker lights, next to them. They were all really dingy plus one of the headlight housings was broken. I did a little research thinking it would cost me an arm and a leg to replace the damaged housing, and found that I could buy all 6 housings for about $85 total from Amazon here. Turns out that Fleetwood used front end lights from a 92 to 98 Ford Pickup for the 2000 Bounder. It makes sense that an RV manufacturer wouldn't want to design special headlight assemblies for their products. I went ahead an replaced all of them and I think before I polish another headlight lens, I'll just spend the $25. Here's before and after pics.


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Water Dog said:
My 2000 Bounder has the two headlight lenses, turn signals underneath them, and side marker lights, next to them. They were all really dingy plus one of the headlight housings was broken. I did a little research thinking it would cost me an arm and a leg to replace the damaged housing, and found that I could buy all 6 housings for about $85 total from Amazon here. Turns out that Fleetwood used front end lights from a 92 to 98 Ford Pickup for the 2000 Bounder. It makes sense that an RV manufacturer wouldn't want to design special headlight assemblies for their products. I went ahead an replaced all of them and I think before I polish another headlight lens, I'll just spend the $25. Here's before and after pics.

Perfect opportunity to test my theory, Dennis.  I know you take care of your Bounder.  When washing/waxing her, wax the lenses also.  I have been told that even a coat of quality wax on Lexan will help prohibit the sandblasted look over the years.  What have you got to lose?  And I would think the info/results would be a great asset to the forum library!
denmarc said:
Perfect opportunity to test my theory, Dennis.  I know you take care of your Bounder.  When washing/waxing her, wax the lenses also.  I have been told that even a coat of quality wax on Lexan will help prohibit the sandblasted look over the years.  What have you got to lose?  And I would think the info/results would be a great asset to the forum library!

I'll give that a try....we'll find out. ;)

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