Cold weather RVing .....

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Dec 12, 2008
Where ever we park it!
Well for some unknown reason I find myself in Lake Tahoe tonight. Zepher Cove to be exact. It is a new experience though, its the first time I have set up in 16 degree weather.

So I am finally set up, jacks down, filled the water tank, put a halogen 100 watt bulb in the water bay, and have both space heaters cranked up. Had to use a shovel to dig out the sewer connection, that was fun.  But tomorrow is the snow mobile trip!  Another new adventure for the So. Cal boy!

When I remarked to the camp host that it was a bit chilly, his response was classic, "hey, its a dry cold".......
SargeW said:
Well for some unknown reason I find myself in Lake Tahoe tonight. Zepher Cove to be exact. It is a new experience though, its the first time I have set up in 16 degree weather.

So I am finally set up, jacks down, filled the water tank, put a halogen 100 watt bulb in the water bay, and have both space heaters cranked up. Had to use a shovel to dig out the sewer connection, that was fun.  But tomorrow is the snow mobile trip!  Another new adventure for the So. Cal boy!

When I remarked to the camp host that it was a bit chilly, his response was classic, "hey, its a dry cold".......

And you have some incredably beautiful views!  Post up those pics.
Have fun Marty,

We are south of you in Kernville off of the 395 and 178 towards Bakersfield.  We're in the house and have no water; line is frozen.  Tim thinks it's frozen at the street's main box.  Stay warm.  It tomorrow and the next day are still cold then it gets up to the 60s.....

Snowmobiling is on my bucket list.  But I want to go to a lodge, stay in a gorgeous room, rent snow mobiles, go for a horse driven sleigh ride; then come back and sit in front of a 5' tall fireplace with a "hot toddy".  8)

Enjoy Tahoe!!!  Take pictures!

Marsha, skip the snowmobiling and go right to the hot toddies :)


  • Snowmobiling 12-1970.jpg
    Snowmobiling 12-1970.jpg
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Well I wimped out guys! Last night hit -6 degrees at the campground, and both of the space heaters running all night couldn't keep up. We looked like a frozen tortilla this morning. We decided to go down the mountain and are in Auburn today.

Two more nights like that would have killed me!  And the dog, too cold and too much snow for her to walk outside for long. I had to carry her back to the RV a few times, it was too much for her pads.

Even with the light in the water bay, everything froze pretty tight. Had to turn the gas heat on for an hour before the pump would deliver water.

And the campground really disappointed us. The whole reason we went was due to an e mail they had sent us stating that "everything had been prepared and was ready for winter camping".  Not even close! The site had been plowed about a week before, and now had about 6 inches of snow and ice covering the pad. About 2 feet of snow had been piled on the sewer hook up and it took me about 15 minutes with a shovel to find it.

And the plow cleared the snow 8' wide. So I had no room to walk with the slides out without stepping through 2 foot drifts. And lots of black ice everywhere. Quite a dis sapointment. I have stayed here several times in the past and were totally happy. Somebody dropped the ball this time.
Forget the bloody D$%@@d snow mobile's. I was stationed in Grand Forks ND for a couple of years, and many times we had to use them just to get to work from base housing because the snow was impassable even on base, and below zero weather is not to my liking at all on one of those things. One time we even had the sewer line in the housing complex frozen for six days.


I don't consider that wimping out...more like discretion is the better part of valor.

We got ready to move this morning in 28 degree temps, and when I dumped the black tank, it froze in the hose on the way to the drain. I don't recall ever having that happen.

I think we will track further south and get above freezing, not unlike yourself.  8)

Think Moab in May....


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