Coleman A/C Fan Motor

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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2018
Albuquerque, NM
The fan motor in my aging rooftop A/C unit was starting to get stiff last year so I'm getting a new one. I haven't torn into it yet (other rooftop and chassis adventures) but wondering if anyone's done it, and specifically how the squirrel cage fan end of it is accomplished. Access from inside or ?

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
When I had the cover off last year (had to start it by giving it a spin by hand) I just noted where the motor drove the interior squirrel cage was mounted to the enclosure, I didn't pay much attention to how that would be accessed for removal. Did some poking around on the intertubes for a diagram but only low-res parts illustrations found. Will keep looking for a service manual. Found a couple good utoob videos though that shows an access panel so this looks fairly elementary to get done. Will change all the caps out while I'm in there.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
Never changd my Air-Excell motor (COLEMAN) but did a Carrier... It's fairly straight forward.. Any decent technician will see how to do it.. I'm a touch advanced on some things so when it came to putting in a new motor that was slightly Different I took one look at the difference.. And told the technician working with me how to not need to drill new screw holes in the frame...

Amazingly. it worked.. (I realized that if we flipped one end of the bracket instead of drilling the bottom of the A/C and perhaps "OPPS" into the roof all we needed to drill was the cross brace.. Sure enough the holes and everythign else lined up perfectly... Calibrated eyes I guess I saw that flipping it would work)
As marked, Model No. 8335B8964

The compatibility list for the motor I have lists a dozen or more different models so maybe the base number/series is 8330 or 8300?

Not too worried about it at this point, the videos show a pretty straightforward R&R process. Would be nice to have the documentation for it though for giggles, will keep poking around for it in my travels.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
I went through the same thing last summer but in the end it turned out to be that the start and run capacitors had burned out. Got the parts on eBay (or Amazon). Much simpler than replacing the motor, but I found instruction on how to do that on YouTube. Motors are not hard to find, they're pretty generic.

Also Coleman.
I don't use my A/C a lot, despite being in the desert southwest. Camping for me tends to be at higher altitudes, and we usually travel at times of year it's just not needed. Last fall though we were in OK and at an RV park in full sun where it started getting toasty inside. Hitting the switch resulted in a hum from the Coleman and nothing else. Thought it was our shore power so tested it with the genset, same result. Had to try something though so went up on the roof with tools and a meter, and didn't even get that far. Got the cover off and tried to spin the fan and it was pretty stiff to turn. Got my mechanic in a can (WD40) and gave the bearing on the visible end of the motor a spritz, worked it a bit and had DW hit the power from below. Sat there and hummed but when I gave the blade a shove off it went. I considered that a win, put the cover on and we left the fan on for the rest of the day and let the thermostat cycle the compressor. Next day I tried it and it was stuck again, and I repeated the same exercise. That's where I left it until now. Working on the RV the past few weeks now (been in the 60's lately) and it's stuck, so will shotgun the whole deal, fan motor and new caps for the fan and compressor. 20 years is a pretty good run.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
Thanks for digging up those links. Hard to correlate the various model numbers...the '8535' schematic goes with the 8335 unit? Maybe it's close enough, and I'm not doing anything that should need one. Maybe after 20 years you shouldn't need documentation anyway, a good chunk of these are probably in a landfill.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
I got on the google and typed in the part number that was on the motor in my unit, and got a ton of hits for the same motor (dansco I think). Found one with free shipping and check the box.

The caps were another story. They all appear to be from china and no way to tell if they're up to OEM spec's or not. Figured though for the money I'll give it a shot, odds are high this unit will not be running another 20 years.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
I got on the google and typed in the part number that was on the motor in my unit, and got a ton of hits for the same motor (dansco I think). Found one with free shipping and check the box.

The caps were another story. They all appear to be from china and no way to tell if they're up to OEM spec's or not. Figured though for the money I'll give it a shot, odds are high this unit will not be running another 20 years.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
Look up Amrad caps. Made in USA
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