College football

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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2021
I think this is fitting here since there can be some extreme differences of opinion, especially around a campfire talking smack about your favorite team. Yesterdays games were a bit interesting. Georgia was playing Alabama and the referees in the most important game of the season. But the final four for the national champions makes no sense. Tell me what you think. Let me have it now.:LOL:
But the final four for the national champions makes no sense. Tell me what you think. Let me have it now.:LOL:
My sole comment is that the only reason there are playoffs is because the press pushed it for years. They treat college sports today as if they were pros. It's a sorry situation, but that's what they have...
The comments about follow the money are spot on. The whole sports, gambling, legalizing drugs, all of it, follow the money to the few elitists' that profit from it. Todays world idolizes it.
As a Florida resident I am supposed to be outraged at the 5th place result but honestly I don't really care.

I have tried but I can't watch football anymore. It takes too many hours for too little action.

I may care if USC is in a bowl game or something and as a kid I would always love the Rose Bowl/Parade etc.

While I agree that college FB is simply a business I understand the controversy that has existed on the rankings.

I will say that it appears pretty stupid to a layman that undefeated Florida is ranked below 2 teams (Alabama & Texas) that have losses is pretty dumbfounding.

They probably don't need a basketball type 16 team playoff playoff but maybe a straight 6 team single elimination with 1 & 2 getting a bye would be more fair than some wankers voting on it. The big downside is of course that it would mean 3 more games in a very physically punishing sport when in "reality" these guys should be in class getting degrees - LOL, LOL, LOL...

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That's Florida State (FSU) by the way. Florida got their hats handed to them a couple of weeks ago by FSU. - Just sayin'
I am a bit peeved that FSU got left out of the "College Football Championship Playoff's" but, I've long believed that such a playoff is irrelevant, other than, perhaps for bragging rights, or something.
FSU will always be My COLLEGE FOOTBALL Champions. period.
Even as I am sitting in the Stadium in Boulder Colorado rooting for the Local team, I still cheer for FSU, wherever they are playing. (And, of course, now, here in Colorado, we have our own link to FSU with Former 'Nole, Neon Deion, Coaching the Buffs. )
(And, even as that drama was playing out, I was also rooting for the 'Dawgs the other night.)
I love watching College Football, and don't much care who anyone might say the champion is.
They probably don't need a basketball type 16 team playoff playoff but
Next year the NCAA College Playoff expands to a 12 team playoff. Thus ranked numbered team 12 at 5, 11 at. 6, 10 at 7, 9 at 8, 2 at 4, and 1 at 3.

Florida State (FSU) ranked no. 5 would be in playoff if playoff if played in 2024:
No. 12 Liberty at No. 5 Florida State​
No. 11 Ole Miss at No. 6 Georgia
No. 10 Penn State at No. 7 Ohio State
No. 9 Missouri at No. 8 Oregon..​
I think I am paying more attention due to the PAC12 explosion (implosion may be more accurate) and the UofA (Arizona) getting into the Alamo Bowl. :D TCU disappointed me this year.

Still not the elimination type playoff so you still have the "wankers voting on" team ranking. I have a hard time seeing elimination happening due to needing more time between games and the added number of games to season.

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Next year the NCAA College Playoff expands to a 12 team playoff. Thus ranked numbered team 12 at 5, 11 at. 6, 10 at 7, 9 at 8, 2 at 4, and 1 at 3.

Florida State (FSU) ranked no. 5 would be in playoff if playoff if played in 2024:
No. 12 Liberty at No. 5 Florida State​
No. 11 Ole Miss at No. 6 Georgia​
No. 10 Penn State at No. 7 Ohio State​
No. 9 Missouri at No. 8 Oregon..​
I wonder how well that bi week will work out for the top 4 teams... It sure doesn't seem to work in the MLB... You would think it would be an advantage.... But not always...
I think the winner of the Michigan v. Alabama game can beat either Texas or Washington. As long as I don't have to sit through that obnoxious tom-tom droning on and on and the chanting and tomahawk chop of FSU I'm good. Sorry, but I can't stand it. Ugh.
I wonder how well that bi week will work out for the top 4 teams
Sorry hit wrong key and posted before finished so... hope makes so sense!

Your question caused me to really study the playoff expansion starting in 2024. It is an elimination playoff (my error) with time between games > a week.

I do not think the BYE week will have any effect at all. The time between games really no changed. Just the member of games.

There is so much time between games I can them loosing focus and intensity but coaches job to direct team so at peak when game time. But the time is really not different from 2023.

The time between Dec. 3 when rankings announced and Dec. 20-21 first round play of ranked 5 through 12 allows lots of time for the teams to heal and prepare game play. Teams 1 through 4 know they will play one of 2 teams so they have lots of time.


First roundDec. 20-21
Fiesta Bowl | QuarterfinalsDec. 31
Peach, Rose, Sugar Bowl | QuarterfinalsJan. 1
Orange Bowl | SemifinalsJan. 9
Cotton Bowl | SemifinalsJan. 10
Atlanta, GA | National ChampionshipJan. 20
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There is so much time between games I can them loosing focus and intensity but coaches job to direct team so at peak when game time. But the time is really not different from 2023.

When I played organized sports a bye was always considered an advantage. More time to recuperate aches and sprains and more time to prepare.

You also probably never come off a bye and play the other top ranked team. You are playing the winner of the losers...
You also probably never come off a bye and play the other top ranked team. You are playing the winner of the losers...
As a female from an unenlightened age and state there was never an organized sport for me to participate in.
For example, In high school the only elective for female was Home economics. I pleaded my interest in drafting (automotive a step to far) and finally got the teacher and administration to allow me to be the first female.

So - even though I have not subjected my body to impact sports - I am aware there is trauma and recovery need both physically and mentally and how the bye week is provides some relief and gives time to retool.

What I am thinking is that in 2023 each team play one bowl game stating Dec. 26 to Jan 1 with finial 2 teams 2nd games Jan. 8.

IMHO, in 2024 the difference between the time waiting to play the is basically the same as 2023. The difference is the 12 teams will play at least 1 bowl game with the hope of winning 3 more. This is when playing becomes more like regular season preparation.
As a female from an unenlightened age and state there was never an organized sport for me to participate in.
For example, In high school the only elective for female was Home economics. I pleaded my interest in drafting (automotive a step to far) and finally got the teacher and administration to allow me to be the first female.
On behalf of the unenlightened generation, I apologize. Even in California I can't think of any organized girls sports except maybe softball. Home Ec, cheer, and band was what you guys were expected to do.

Congrats on breaking the auto shop gender barrier - well done!
On behalf of the unenlightened generation, I apologize. Even in California I can't think of any organized girls sports except maybe softball. Home Ec, cheer, and band was what you guys were expected to do.

Congrats on breaking the auto shop gender barrier - well done!
Basketball, archery - girl's division, trap shooting - girl's division, golf - girl's division, tennis - girl's division. These are all sports that they had when I was in high school, and that many schools still have in CA.
Basketball, archery - girl's division, trap shooting - girl's division, golf - girl's division, tennis - girl's division. These are all sports that they had when I was in high school, and that many schools still have in CA.
Just goes to proof CA is historically more progressive and inclusive.

None of the above was available at my high school which is located between 2 major cities so not rural nor underfunded.
Just goes to proof CA is historically more progressive and inclusive.

None of the above was available at my high school which is located between 2 major cities so not rural nor underfunded.
We had golf and tennis for girls when I was in high school in the 70's, but no archery or shooting sports and we were a rural community. The high school right across the river had a trap team, though, and I was jealous because coming from an avid hunting and fishing family I always thought I would have done well. But alas, I played football instead, and when I got to college I threw the javelin on the track team - which I guess is pretty close to shooting and archery. :cool:

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