Condensation on interior windows

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Oct 7, 2005
This is a stupid question but here goes.....does anyone have any tips on how they keep condensation from forming on the inside of your windows over night. At the present time I run our furnace at night and wipe the windows down in the morning. Does anyone do anything different?

Do you know if your windows are single or dual pane? If single, it will be almost impossible to avoid condensation. Moisture in the warm internal air will naturally condense onto the cold glass. The interior of dual pane windows won't be as cold, but they might still have condensation if it's cold enough outside.
tpp1971 said:
This is a stupid question but here goes.....does anyone have any tips on how they keep condensation from forming on the inside of your windows over night. At the present time I run our furnace at night and wipe the windows down in the morning. Does anyone do anything different?

Leaving a vent partially open will help but may not eliminate all of it. I have dual pane windows but the windshield, driver's window, and front entry are not dual pane. They will attract a lot of condensation if I don't crack the vent on cold nights.

We have a cover over the vent in the potty room which allows us to leave that vent open most all the time.  It is usually open as far as the cover allows. We do on occasion close it partially but never fully closed.  Does help reduce moisture collecting on the windshield.
tpp1971 said:
This is a stupid question but here goes.....does anyone have any tips on how they keep condensation from forming on the inside of your windows over night. At the present time I run our furnace at night and wipe the windows down in the morning. Does anyone do anything different?

Warm air holds moisture and cold air does not. When you go to bed, you probably close all of the blinds throughout the rig. The air space between the blinds and the windows loses heat to the cold windows, and then that air loses moisture that then settles on the surface of the window. The fact that your furnace is on all night doesn't help because that heat can't get to the air space to keep it warm.

My suggestion would be to open or crack as much as possible all of the window coverings just before retiring for the night. This should greatly reduce the amount of condensation.

I've been meaning to install one of those covers for 6 years. Just never seem to get around to it. Kind of like the shoemaker whose kids didn't have shoes. ;D I'll have to do it this summer.

Now I have a couple of those Roundtoits. ;D I never think about it at work even though I put them on other rigs. Don't want to do it when I'm not there because it will cost more. :)
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