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I went out to the motorhome garage and I saw there is a lot of condensation on the outside of the motorhome even dripping some toward the back.  The building is uninsulated on the back and side, the side on Tom's garage is.  We have a vapor barrier on the ceiling so it wont' drip down.  The floor wasn't wet like the house garage.  But I can't think that would be good.  I opened the doors. 

It has been cold and its 63 so far today, Tom said its the cold inside and the floor with the outside being warmer.  There was none inside the motorhome.

I'm wondering if we will need to insulate the 2 walls and line it, we hadn't planned to.  Thoughts?
Mine did the same until I added some ventilation, The new MH is about a foot longer than the shed and I have to leave the doors open slightly. Condensation not a problem any more. I can go out some mornings and see a little moisture but it drys up just as the car that sits outside all he time does.
I'm thinking ventilation also.  Same as the attic on a stick house under the same conditions.  Colder inside than it is outside equates to condensation. 
The easiest will probably be a reversible fan high on a wall.

  Push warm air in when too cold inside. Pull hot air out in summer when  hot inside.
Get an electric dehumidifier and run it 24/7.  No more problems.
That idea is like trying to De-humidify mother nature for miles around. A large garage is not airtight.
Besides she only has the condensation problem in winter-time; perhaps only on certain days.

Adding insulation will probably make the situation worse during those days.  That's what my simple logic tells me....  Great conversation topic...
I was telling Tom, he has been here so little and we didn't see it while he was here.  He said something like a whole house fan will likely do it.

Well I backed the motorhome in for the first time, we don't  have and lights in there yet.  I could see in my camera and I looked out the window, thought this doesn't look quite straight.  I walked back and was probably 2 inches away from the post on the side, if I had went even a bit more would have hit the big post.  So I pulled forward and did it again and did fine. I would have never lived that down.

I'm going to set up some markers so I can tell where I am, the back is no problem, he has a big box on the floor and I can tell where the back is but it was angled a bit and didn't look like it was off.  Thank goodness I stopped in time.  I think I will have Tom run a yellow mark down the floor on both sides and being in between it I will know I'm backing up straight.

The wind here is incredible, they are saying gusts to 35 but it sounds horrible out there.  It's to be 55 in the morning and snowing by the evening.  I was going to take the motorhome and get the lights aimed in the morning but I hate to think about driving in this wind.  My MIL lives 3 miles away and she didn't think it was bad, but they live in kind of a bowl, but we are on one of the higher points here.  I see other houses up on hills with no trees and I can't even imagine how it sounds there.  It sounds really eerie blowing around the end of the house where I am.  I'm not afriad but if someone were they wouldn't want to live here.  I think the seller, a widowed younger lady was afraid.  But good thing Sue Anne's bedroom is on the front or she would be.
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