Cooper Tires

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Apr 3, 2012
We have a Class A 35' motorhome and plan to put on new tires this spring. We are looking at Coopers. How do they compare to Goodyears? Also, do you recommend the same tire all around or should we have tires with more tread on the back? Thanks and have a good day.
A search using the button in the toolbar above will bring up numerous ptiot prior discussions on tires, including Cooper and Goodyear. If you're an FMCA member, they have a 'fleet' deal with Michelin which provides a significant discount.

Cooper tires have given me very good service and they tend to be less expensive. Highly recommended.

On a seperate subject, if you heve tread issues on a MH, either you're out of alignment or the tires are OLD! Typically, tires on a MH should be replaced when seven years old. It's rare that they show significant wear by that time.


Unless you are doing some heavy duty boondocking, there is little reason to have more aggressive tread on the rear.  If you are talking about the same tread design but some tires having more tread than others, I would put the ones with more tread on the front to improve wet pavement and braking control.  However, as mentioned, normally the amount of remaining tread will not play a big part.  With normal wear, the tread will not be too worn before the tire age dictates replacement.  Probably the biggest consideration as far as tread is concerned is matching tread depth on all four rear tires.  If there is much difference between the two tires on a given side, the larger diameter tire will bear greater load.  If the difference is from one side to the other, excessive rear end wear can result.
Thanks for the replies. Actually, I was referring to putting a more aggressive tread on the back. We will be putting new ones on all the way round.

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