Coos Bay, OR

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Aug 30, 2011
Sunny Southern California
Hi All!  I've been lurking around here a bit lately but had a questions and was hoping someone would have some good info. 

I am planning a trip for next August up the 101 through CA and into Oregon.  We are planning on spending 3 nights in Coos Bay and are leaning toward Sunset Bay state park, although the Oceanside RV park right by it looks nice as well. 

Has anyone been to either?  Any likes/dislikes?

Any spots in particular that are better than others?  It is so hard to tell from the site maps.  We will be in a 27 ft Class C, possibly towing an extracab chevy S10, but leaning towards not bringing that.

Thanks for any info!
Simply cannot beat any of my state parks.  But lots of people park at the casino too.
anakenzie said:
Hi All!  I've been lurking around here a bit lately but had a questions and was hoping someone would have some good info. 

I am planning a trip for next August up the 101 through CA and into Oregon.  We are planning on spending 3 nights in Coos Bay and are leaning toward Sunset Bay state park, although the Oceanside RV park right by it looks nice as well. 

Has anyone been to either?  Any likes/dislikes?

Any spots in particular that are better than others?  It is so hard to tell from the site maps.  We will be in a 27 ft Class C, possibly towing an extracab chevy S10, but leaning towards not bringing that.

Thanks for any info!

We hosted a couple summers at Sunset Bay and can definately recommend it.  Oregon state parks are the bestin the country and this one is in a beautiful setting.  If you are more interested in a privateRV park, Midway RV is also very good.  It may be listed in Charleston rather than Coos Bay, but I'm not sure.  I wouldn't hesitate to stay in either one. 
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