Crabs, lobsters, crawfish & sushi

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Jan 13, 2005

Dungeness it is, although I wouldn't call it "close to lobster"  :) We've never cooked or eaten either in the coach.
Smoky said:
The one thing we will miss when we move out west are Maryland blue crabs.  Steamed in rock salt and Old Bay.

Balymor steamed crabs, Maine lobster (fresh), bluefish, fresh seafood of any kind in AZ; but we do have great salsa ;D ;D
That would be correct. Have some friends in Baton Rouge and when I visit, we eat the little suckers by the gross! Those pre-cooked things they try to pass off as crawfish in grocery stores up North don't even come close to the fresh ones.
kkolbus said:
That would be correct. Have some friends in Baton Rouge and when I visit, we eat the little suckers by the gross! Those pre-cooked things they try to pass off as crawfish in grocery stores up North don't even come close to the fresh ones.

Thought so.  I have eaten craw fish iwhile in Houston and they were ok but I will take good sushi over them anytime. ;D ;D
Smoky said:
Well I will save lots of money, then, if I am 100+ miles away from my favorite but costly food form. :)

Where we go in Phoenix Sushi is quite reasonable.  It is an Asion Buffet which includes other asian dishes but I tend to focus on the sushi. ;D
Ron said:
I haven't heard the term mud bug.? Would that be craw fish?

Yes that is correct.

Now I have a question.  Are there no fry pans in Phoenix?

;D ;D
NN said:
Ron said:
I haven't heard the term mud bug.? Would that be craw fish?

Yes that is correct.

Now I have a question.? Are there no fry pans in Phoenix?

;D ;D

I suspect there is.  But since we are in Yuma I will defer that question to someone that lives in Phoenix.  You on Bernie.
kkolbus said:
I'm staying at a place that advertises "We cook everything over real charcoal." They recently started serving breakfast -? wonder how they keep the eggs from sliding thru the grates :-\

LOL.  Very good question Karl.
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