Crown Villa (Bend, OR) Closing

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2005
Crown Villa will close November 1st.  The property has been sold and the locals expect the new owners will be using the land to build houses.  Too bad, because it is one of the nicest parks we have ever stayed at. 

The Bend Campground on the north side of town has already disappeared.

That's too bad Jeannine. CV was a nice park.
That is a sad thing to hear, now there is nothing left in Bend that is decent.  The KOA toward Sisters, Green Acres? towards Redmond and the big open park outside of LaPine is all that is left.  With the over inflated property cost here in Bend there will be nothing left.  Our house is worth four times what we paid for it and going up everyday.  Just can't afford to move anywhere or want to right now with one kid finishing her senior year in high school. The oldest will never leave home with Oregon State and Oregon having a satellite campus in town. 
We spent two winters at Crown Villa, so we could ski Mt. Bachelor.  We were thinking of doing it again, until we found out about the closure. 

We were in Bend last week.  Visited friends at Widgie Creek who have a house facing one of the golf course water hazards.  I think it is now at least a million dollar property. 

Jeannine said:
Crown Villa will close November 1st.? The property has been sold and the locals expect the new owners will be using the land to build houses.? Too bad, because it is one of the nicest parks we have ever stayed at.?

The Bend Campground on the north side of town has already disappeared.


It was a flawed business model and thus a financial flop. Had little to do with local and values per se; had  alot to do with pricing of lots and amenities. I understand that it will be converted to low cost housing actually. Who knows but it eliminates Bend as a destination for sure for us. 

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