Cummins Onan QG generator

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Sep 4, 2024
Ellijay, GA
Hello RV Forum,

I am a new member here.

I have a Cummins Onan QG 4000 generator onboard my 2018 Jayco Redhawk 25R. The other day, I went to do a monthly startup, but the generator would not start.
The investigation found a mouse took up residence on top of the gen and chewed through two of the wires in the harness between the control board and the Fuel Cut-off valve and the other was between the control board and P6 of the generator (AC Sense L1). I lower the generator out of the RV and made repairs to the chewed wires. The generator will now start and run fine but there are now two issues that I need help with. First, the generator will not STOP from either the local switch or the remote switch, both will start the generator, the only way to stop it is to disconnect the battery or cut-off the fuel. The other problem is the fuel pump starts as soon as the battery is connected without pushing the primer button.

I hope I do not have to get a new control board. $700+. I am thinking that maybe the T1 ignition coil is not getting the, Ignition Kill, signal. But I have no idea why the fuel pump starts right away.

Any thoughts would be a help.

Thank you in advance.
First thought is the mice may have done more damage than you could see or possibly (no offense we all have been there) the repair was not done correctly. Before spending money for new stuff, it may be a good idea to drop the generator and have a closer look for something that may have been missed or repaired incorrectly.

Also....It is a good idea to screen the cooling air exhaust area and the air intake. I got bit by the rodents several years ago and they made a meal of my harness too. Since then I screen and no problem. It does restrict the air flow proportionately to the screening material used though. I designed mine to be removable for times when its not needed or the high heat temps.
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First thought is the mice may have done more damage than you could see or possibly (no offense we all have been there) the repair was not done correctly. Before spending money for new stuff, it may be a good idea to drop the generator and have a closer look for something that may have been missed or repaired incorrectly.

Also....It is a good idea to screen the cooling air exhaust area and the air intake. I got bit by the rodents several years ago and they made a meal of my harness too. Since then I screen and no problem. It does restrict the air flow proportionately to the screening material used though. I designed my to be removable for times when its not needed or the high heat temps.
Thanks, Henry; No offense taken on the repair comment. I went back and double and triple-checked my repairs to make sure that they were correct. The only place that I can not get to see if there is any mice damage is at the T1 connection. It is up inside the generator. All other wires appear to be in good shape. There is no other evidence of rodent damage. I will install screening around the inside of the housing before reinstalling the gen-set back up into the RV.
. First, the generator will not STOP from either the local switch or the remote switch, both will start the generator, the only way to stop it is to disconnect the battery or cut-off the fuel. The other problem is the fuel pump starts as soon as the battery is connected without pushing the primer button.
Is the relay staying closed after you once start it? Won't open on command? Primary coil voltage won't go away?

This relay:


-Don- Reno, NV
The 12 volts is at the solenoid coil during startup then drops to zero volts when the engine reaches normal running rpm's, about 2 seconds.
The 12 volts is at the solenoid coil during startup then drops to zero volts when the engine reaches normal running rpm's, about 2 seconds.
Do the contacts then open? Could you have a melted together (closed) normally open relay contacts preventing the normal shutdown?

-Don- Reno, NV
Is there a way to disconnect the remote cable and try to turn it off from the genny itself to see if there is a short in the cable?

Or with the power off, check the resistance across the open start switch with the cable still connected.

-Don- Reno, NV
I have tested both of your suggestions. I have done a continuity test on all wires of the cable harness. There are no shorts or opens. The generator runs fine and puts out 122 volts @ 62.0 Hz with no load and 120.1 volts @ 60.2 Hz under load (AC). The only conclusion I can make, is that the control board is not putting out the 'Ignition Kill' signal that puts ground to the spark plug coil, which would stop the engine. I installed a battery disconnect switch at the generator housing which stops the engine when the switch is turned off. The generator is now back up under the RV as I will leave it as is. Thank you to everyone who replied
I have tested both of your suggestions. I have done a continuity test on all wires of the cable harness. There are no shorts or opens. The generator runs fine and puts out 122 volts @ 62.0 Hz with no load and 120.1 volts @ 60.2 Hz under load (AC). The only conclusion I can make, is that the control board is not putting out the 'Ignition Kill' signal that puts ground to the spark plug coil, which would stop the engine. I installed a battery disconnect switch at the generator housing which stops the engine when the switch is turned off. The generator is now back up under the RV as I will leave it as is. Thank you to everyone who replied
It's good to check all other possibilities, and it seems you have. It sounds like you have figured out that your issue is on the control board and most likely is at this point.

-Don- Auburn, CA
Hi, new to form,

I have a Onan Marguis I gen set

I’ve taken it to a local "Onan" repair shop, honestly I think he didn’t know what he was doing i bought an enclosed trailer and it was in it and working just fine, I sold the trailer and kept the generator for my camper, It set for a while a few years before i got to install it in my camper, a few dirt dobber made home of it so I attempted to remove them, while doing it he said i broke the timing arm, the repair fixed everything he could find and now he can’t get it running. that there is a wiring problem. I’m not a generator repair man but I do build custom hot rods and show cars, so I know a little about wiring, i just got it back from shop last week. He was saying something about level 3 upgrade from Cummins and no one can help him out, so basically, I’m looking for a wiring diagram to check all the wires and relays, resistors etc. If this is something you can help me out with or send me to the right person to get it I would appreciate the help. I have the serial number and model number.

Looks to have the circuit board updated to 300-3763-001 which is now a 12 pin connector (blue)

I have the old wiring diagram which has 3 plugs total (J1-J2 remote start-J3, now has 2 plugs

So I have no clue where some of the wires terminate, found a few but still have a hand full with no location or termination location I can find

SERIAL # F890247408

If there is a “circuit board updated to 300-3763-001 which is now a 12 pin connector (blue)” there should be a service bulletin explains how to install especially if it is not “plug and play”. The bulletin is probably on the internet or a friendly Onan RV generator dealer should be able to get the bulletin and parts breakdown.

On newer equipment you may need a Mfg laptop to program the electronics. It is possible that circuit board does not require “Flashing” or the board can be flashed before sending it to you.

There is a lot of different equipment coming through the repair shops. It is very hard to stay current on all the different equipment and because of the high labor rates a technician has a very limited amount of time to troubleshoot. Often the training is light and the tech ends up online, guessing using past experience or consulting other tech’s while keeping the labor charges down.
The OP joined on September 4, 2024, visited us for 6 days and he has not been back since. Hopefully he's fixed his generator by now so I'm closing this thread.
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