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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2005
Benson , AZ.
Anyone else get to Daytona for any part of Bike Week?  Place was hopping!  RV parks were all full.  New placce out on Rt 1 next to Destination Harley Davdson.  RV Park, with quite a venue.  Next year we will take our camper and tow the bike, save Jolene from a long bike ride and save me some food and lodging money! 

Looks like a typical week at Daytona, we had a wonderful timne, even met a couple we knew from RI that had moved away about 15 years ago!  Completely out of touch, ended up running into them getting coffee. 
Monday after Bikeweek in Daytona. 18 dead and counting. Have our roads back. Peace and quiet.

Gone at last! Gone at last! Thank God almighty, they're gone at last!  ;D
Wow, that many died?  Wonder what that is percentage-wise for than many riders for that much time?  Of course, now you have Spring Breakers etc. 
Guess you weren't one of the signers to the You Are Back, We Are Glad campaign? 

PancakeBill said:
Wow, that many died?  Wonder what that is percentage-wise for than many riders for that much time?  Of course, now you have Spring Breakers etc. 
Guess you weren't one of the signers to the You Are Back, We Are Glad campaign?

Nope. The only people that signed that were the liquor distributors and bar owners.  ;)

I heard there were 600,000 bikers there. Can't verify it, though. Not much in the paper except to report the 18 deaths, 14 of whom lived in FL.
Not only 18 deaths, but also 65 admitted to the hospital with bike accident injuries, most of whom are still there. Our insurance premiums at work.  :mad:
You in Daytona or nearby?  Certainly looks like you aren't about to go buy a bike and ride.  I hear there is a good chance of a helmet law passing in July.  I wear one, law or no law, so no difference to me personally.  Other than how these accidents effect me peripherally. 

I rode on RAGBRAI, the annual ride across Iowa.  I think our stats were acually worse.  I believe we had 3 deaths, for 10,000 riders.  18 for 600,000 is a baragin in comparison.

BruceinFL said:
Gone at last! Gone at last! Thank God almighty, they're gone at last!  ;D


In Texas we saw "Welcome Winter Texans"

In the Black Hills "Welcome Sturgis Bikers"

In Floridia (haven't been to Florida in the RV yet) we'll see your sign?

We're getting ready for an April 10th departure heading west.


joelmyer said:
...(haven't been to Florida in the RV yet) ....

We're getting ready for an April 10th departure heading west.


I can't believe you haven't been to FL in the RV....heck, you're close enough to spit here.  :)

Have a safe trip. We're not leaving to go west until late May.
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