DC issues

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New member
Jun 19, 2019
OK...background story.  My brother in law gave me a 1986 Coachmn Crusader.   I've been fixing it up...infact it's done....excet for....I've got no DC power in the house.  I have discovered that whoever owned it orinally took ou the generator that came with the MH....and they cut the house battery cables and taped them underneath the MH.  I bought a cheap generator, not figuring to connect it.  Soooo what do I do with those battery cabled underneath the MH.....I'm sure that is why I have no DC power.
Assuming that the generator is setup like current ones, it supplys 120 volt power so those cables from the battery would just be for starting the generator. Disconnecting them should not effect the rest of the system. I recommend checking voltage starting at the batterys and working through the systems and fuses.
But when he cut and taped the battery cables.  he may have cut the battery to house not just to generator.

This is the kind of thing that is easy hands on but..

You need to FOLLOW The power  two devices a test light and a voltmeter and a long length of wire (like 30 feet spool #14 or 18 shoudl do)  The long wire is to insure a good ground for the light/meter

Now hook clip on light to long wire. long wire to a KNOWN GOOD GROUND (or the negative battery cable)  Start poking every connection along the POSITIVE wire.. Problem exists between BRIGHT and DARK. (or dim)

YOu have now id'ed the positive line hopefully all the way to the fuse box.. but if you do not get that far hang a marker (Red tape) on teh wire and work the other way.

Once you have ided all thw positive wires (Converter. Battery, Fuser panel) connert 'em

Same for negative but .. Well that SHOULD be "What's left" but perhaps not.

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