Dead Battery-check engine light

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Jan 22, 2016
I have a 2014 Winnebago profile, sprinter base. Ended up with a dead starting battery, my fault.  I had some surgery and the MH sat for a couple of months without being run. I did have house power plugged in but that didn't seem to keep the battery up.  I disconnected the battery and put a charger on it for a day and it came back up now but the check engine is now on.  Is there any correlation between dead battery, charging and reconnecting that would cause the check engine to come on??  I really don't want to bring it to the local Mercedes dealer If I don't have too
The solution to the original problem is likely the installation of a Trik-L-Charge or similar unit. This allows the engine or chassis battery to be charged while plugged in on vehicles that do not have that option built in.

You will need to read the code that caused the light in the first place. Many auto parts places may be able to help. You may be able to simply have the code reset with no ill effect. Other than that, a Mercedes dealership may be in your future, hopefully not too expensively.
Thanks Stu, I will look into the charger you suggest and I might just end up at Mercedes
Many vehicles will display the check engine light after disconnecting and reconnecting the battery. I had a 2007 Saturn that did it and my 2018 Ford Edge does it. I checked the code on the Saturn and it said "not ready". What it means is that the vehicle needs to be driven some to get it ready to test the emissions system. Go drive the vehicle about 30 miles and the light may go out.
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