Death Valley's Mirror Lake

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The last time they had a 100-year Superbloom we went to see it.  As we crested a hill we looked north and the entire valley floor was water, just like the picture in the link.  It was the most amazing sight!

ArdraF said:
The last time they had a 100-year Superbloom we went to see it.  As we crested a hill we looked north and the entire valley floor was water, just like the picture in the link.  It was the most amazing sight!


I missed it by about 3 weeks  :(
And I missed Scotty's Castle before it was largely wrecked  :( :(
Back2PA said:
And I missed Scotty's Castle before it was largely wrecked  :( :(

We saw it several years ago, it was nice.

Would love to see the water and bloom but not out there till late May.
SeilerBird said:
My sister was at the last super bloom and I was very jealous. And if I were living in the west I would be making my plans right now.
That would be a sight to see Tom.....
jackiemac said:
We saw it several years ago, it was nice.

I guess the building is nice and I'd still like to see it, but I really wanted to see the infrastructure - generators, cooling and water systems etc, which I understand were quite sophisticated for their day. Apparently the building will be restored, but I think all the old systems which were in the basement are goners  :(
jackiemac said:
We saw it several years ago, it was nice.

Would love to see the water and bloom but not out there till late May.
I have toured Scotty's Castle several times, it is incredible. If you drive the Pacific Coast Highway you can stop in and see Hearst Castle which is very similar and was built around the same time. By May the super bloom should be over. :p
Back2PA said:
I guess the building is nice and I'd still like to see it, but I really wanted to see the infrastructure - generators, cooling and water systems etc, which I understand were quite sophisticated for their day. Apparently the building will be restored, but I think all the old systems which were in the basement are goners  :(
I can't remember seeing those, but from a photo (not a great one) I had it looks as though those things were in separate buildings not in a basement...No mention of them in the Park Website which says that most of the damage was to the visitor centre....
SeilerBird said:
I have toured Scotty's Castle several times, it is incredible. If you drive the Pacific Coast Highway you can stop in and see Hearst Castle which is very similar and was built around the same time. By May the super bloom should be over. :p
Steve went to Hearst Castle when he was over on a business trip, think he was a bit underwhelmed. 

We were in Anza Borrego a few years ago and hoped to see the Poppies in Lancaster, when we went the lady at the park said that as there were hardly any poppies she wouldn't charge us.  I think we saw a handful.  ::)

That's nature for you...  ;D
Back2PA said:
I guess the building is nice and I'd still like to see it, but I really wanted to see the infrastructure - generators, cooling and water systems etc, which I understand were quite sophisticated for their day. Apparently the building will be restored, but I think all the old systems which were in the basement are goners  :(
There were actually two different tours. One of the main castle and one of the utilities. Both were fascinating. On the utilities tour one time I saw a cool looking large bug on the ground in front to the door to the electrical generator room. On the way out I was going to take a photo but it had been stepped on by then. ???
Back2PA said:
I guess the building is nice and I'd still like to see it, but I really wanted to see the infrastructure - generators, cooling and water systems etc, which I understand were quite sophisticated for their day. Apparently the building will be restored, but I think all the old systems which were in the basement are goners  :(

Actually, the Castle and the generator buildings are uphill from the flood area so they survived the flood.  What received the brunt of the water and mudflow were the old servants quarters and garage near the main road, which were being used as administrative offices and the bookstore.

About a mile of the access road through the canyon and the electric power line disappeared, portions of the road were found 5 miles downstream.

As far as the Castle itself, the main problem was the intense rainfall revealed numerous roof leaks.  Without electricity, there was no way to purge the moisture from the interior, so the Park Service made the decision to move all of the building's contents to climate controlled storage, then catch up on long deferred maintenance while the road and power line were being rebuilt.  Fixing the roof of course, but also sealing up numerous vermin entry points that had developed over the years.

The main building's basement survived, but the swimming pool filled with water for the first time ever.

Budget limitations and the scope of the project has slowed the work, but the Castle is scheduled to re-open in 2020.  In the meantime, the Park Service has been giving escorted tours of the Castle on Saturdays and Sundays.  They're limited to 13 people (one van load) at a time.  I took the tour when it was first offered in November 2017 and I highly recommend it.

IBTripping said:
So, you're a woman who likes leather.  8)

Every time adult beverages come up Jackie Shows up.....And now I find out she into leather.

This woman is starting to scare me..

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