Decided on Columbus F320RS

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New member
Feb 17, 2013
El Cajon, CA
I just recently (April) retired from the Navy. Wife and I want to travel and enjoy life for a while. So, selling off everything, not sure if we're going to sell or rent out our house. Anyway after looking at numerous models at numerous RV dealers, we have finally found that the Columbus 320RS looks to have the perfect layout and options that we are looking for. So, decided not to look any further. Will be purchasing it out of State (CA) after i set up my address through mail forwarding in SD, will be purchasing it around July. Anyway would like some input or answers from anybody with some knowledge, as we are new to this and plan to live in it Full Time.

A couple of the things that i've read on the internet have brought out a few questions I have as to wether or not it is suitable for full time living in all seasons.

Found an email posted from a sales rep that states that:

- 320RS has 10" frames (everybody seems to recommend 12" for full time living)

- 320RS has 6000LB Axels (people seem to recommend 8000LB Axels)

- Do either of these make much of a difference and which one is better if they do: TrailAir Roto Flex Pin Box and TrailAir Tri-Glide Air Ride.

Also looked up some of the things I will need any other recommendations or suggestions would help or are these pretty decent.

Cummins Onan 5.5 HGJAB-1119 RV QG 5500 5.5kw LP Vapor Generator
Splendide 7100 XC Washer/Dryer

Are there any other bits of information, wisdom, or other considerations that I should be aware of or concerned about?

Thank you all.
I'm not familiar with the Columbus brand, never heard of it in fact. I assume it is a regional brand, but there is seldom any track record on those. Is it a travel trailer or a fifth wheel?

Update: After a bit of research I see that the Columbus is a Palamino model and they are 5W's.

The axles have to be strong enough to carry the weight (GVWR) of the trailer. Federal regs allow the trailer manufacturer to subtract the pin weight from the GVWR before determining the axle capacity and many go for the minimum to save money on axles and tires. This is a poor choice, since the brakes will be smaller and the axle at its extreme limit, meaning a bent or broken axle or spring is likely sooner rather than later. Do the GVWR-Pin_Weight arithmetic yourself and determine if the 6000 lb axles are a bare minimum. If so, see if an axle upgrade is available or seek a better built trailer instead. Skimpy axle, tires and brakes are a major cause of early life problems with trailers. I would also suggest one with shock absorbers or the Mor/ryde rubber suspension. These can be added/retrofitted if not available from the factory.

Update: I found the F320RS specs on the Palamino site and 6000 lb axles would indeed be the absolute minimum allowed. I personally would not accept that, if they are indeed 6000 lb axles.

An enhanced pin box makes for a smoother ride and is probably worth the extra cost, but I don't know enough to choose between the two you mentioned.

You will find that a propane generator uses a prodigious amount of fuel compared to a gas generator. LP is easier to transport than gas cans, though.

The Spendide 2100 XC is probably best of its breed, but some people hate that type altogether. Using a combo washer/dryer is a radically different laundry experience than the typical home top loader washer + separate dryer. Much has been written here about the love/hate of the combo units, so I suggest you use the SEARCH function (on the menu bar) to locate and read previous threads on Splendide.  Update: I see that a stackable washer/dryer is an option on the Columbus.

What have you chosen among other options, e.g. dual pane glass, heat pumps, bedroom a/c, etc.?

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