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New member
Sep 17, 2018
1988 Royal Industries, Classic - 28' Class C motor home.
First time owner. A newbie to this crazy hobby

Under all windows I have delamination of the fiber glass siding from the substrate.
I removed the washroom window "smallest" to have a look see.
The only sealant around the outer flange of the window was the original stick on black foam tape.
Plus the window opening was cut too big and the window was not centered in the opening.
Leaving very little contact of the foam tape and contoured out skin, mostly at the top.
Water ingress from the top down.

Did or do manufactures put only the foam tape around openings to seal them up?
Or is there an extra layer of butyl putty that is put in.
This is what I will be putting in as I reseal all of the windows.

Is there any method to repair the delamination of the outer fiberglass and substrate?

Thanks to all

Yes it can be repaired fairly easily if it is under the window. One of the sponsors of the site makes a delamination product
there are others as well.   
When repairing the window some people put in a piece of  rubber tape etc to cover the raw opening and prevent more water incursion
Butyl putty tape between the window frames and the sidewall is the norm, though some builders use squeeze tube sealant instead. I've not seen any sort of foam tape used in that application, but "foam" covers a bunch of different types. Some foams are waterproof but many are not.  The advantage of foam for the factory is that it doesn't squeeze out like butyl or liquid caulks, so no clean-up step afterwards.

It sounds like your window suffers mostly from sloppy construction quality, but if it lasted 30 years, maybe I'm being too harsh.
Here are a couple of videos on windows and sealing:
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