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Tin man

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
Long island NY
I have to comment on the floor plans on the Journey.  Who designed the bathroom across from the refrigerator?  I was always told you never ---- where you eat. 
There is no privacy door from bedroom to bathroom.  So when you have company and you are in your bedroom and want to go to the bathroom you have to get dressed before you leave your bedroom.

This is not the case in the 40' and above models.

Well unless someone changes the floor plan I will be going to Tiffin. Believe me I do not want to go there but Winnabago will leave me no choice. Also why do I need two couches/beds in front?  One is fine would like chairs.

John I do not know if this is where to put this but I would like to know if I am not the only one with these questions.

If you remove this could you at least pass this on to Winnabago.



Love my Journey and would like to step up in two more years. Same size..

Guess you have a 36' floorplan I haven't seen. I have 2 friends with 36' Winnie's: a 2004, and 2007, and neither are "across" from the fridge. Nor is our 34H

If you're talking about the 2008 34' Journey with the full wall slide, you're correct
Winnie - and every other manufacturer - offers several different floor plans in each model, so as to meet differing wants and needs. You didn't mention the floor plan identifier of the one you don't like, but perhaps there are others that might suit you better?

I quick look at 2013 floor plans suggests that its probably the 34B you don't like. The bath area is convenient for people in the front (they don't have to go into the bedroom area) but has the drawbacks you mentioned. Cramming a full house into 300-400 sq ft involves a lot of compromises and we all have different priorities.  Guess Winnie didn't match yours this time around.
I'd argue the contrary; we really like the layout of the 34y, but there are only two of us. It's not a problem with guests in the MH since we don't have guests when we're sleeping.

We have a 2007 36' journey.  Like the split bath.  More room to change, privacy etc.  the new floor plan from 2011 on did away with the split bath chairs etc,  seems like you have to go over 36/7' to get a floor plan that resembles ours.  Two couches? Just seems like a wast.  Two more beds in front?.  If you don't have guest no need for the beds..

Different strokes for different folks..

Just wonder who comes up with these plans.  Bathroom in kitchen? 

We have overnight guests and one couch works split bath works for privacy, and nobody had to go into rear bedroom.

It all comes down on how you utilize/design the space in the floor plans. Same square feet different utilization. 

A prerequisite should be if you design it live in it.

it always makes me smile when you have a table for 4........but sleeps 7.........!!!!!
and 2 of those use the table your sitting at.

while we are on the about a fibreglass module with shower and toilet combined......lets get rid of the quaint toilet trying to be a fullsize bathroom.......
I also have the 34Y and do not have any issues with the location of the bathroom.  Like Gary said, you gotta put it somewhere.  And I don't even have one couch. I had the dealer pull the couch out before I drove the rig off of the lot and swapped in my two LaZboy recliners from my 06' Meridian. 

The two couches in the longer units does baffle me though. It seems to me that the space could be so much better used for a work station/computer desk than just another sofa.  Of course my dream would be to design a coach at the factory, then work the assembly line and assist in putting the whole thing together.  But there's not much chance of that happening......
Im my opinion...after looking at many, many the Winnebago Adventurer 32 v, floor plan yet and they quit making it ?????????
Most likely three parameters drive product design and the decision to keep producing a floorplan or not - manufacturing costs, warranty expenses and sales figures.
I remember reading a quote from Lee Iacocca's book about how Ford was accused of designing cars that they wanted the people to buy. He said something to the fact that if it was true they would be out of business.  Did he have a Chrystal Ball? 

A Chrysler Ball?

I have never received a request from any auto manufacture what could they do to improve there product, what did you like or not like.  I registered my Winny, my Coachman, my Shasta.  Never heard from them again, except to renew my club affiliation. 

I want to upgrade in two more years, with a three year old coach, but it will not be possible. Unless someone starts thinking out of the box, we will have one less manufacturer to select from.  Now I have to wait till the 2014 line up.

The clock is ticking. 
RV manufacturers get most of their product design input from RV dealers, who are their actual customers. Presumably the dealers ask for things they believe their own customers will buy, but I've never had much faith in dealers translating my wants and needs. In fairness, though, most of a dealer's customers are more interested in jazzy styling and the size of the tv than the subtleties of good design or ease of maintenance. And floorplans are a matter of personal taste - they can only build so many layouts and sometimes your favorites don't make it to the top of the list.  Fortunately there are other manufacturers to choose from.
IF i bought another'd be an ex school bus and i'd do it myself....:)
It seems to me that the dealers and manufacturers have the same goals, keep festooning RV's with features (that may or may not be useful) and then never actually make a base model of anything, always tack on some package....  in order to maximize profits.  This tactic works well, auto manufacturers often do the same thing..    At least until some manufacturer decides to bypass the dealers and provide what people actually want...

Or maybe I'm the only person who doesn't want slides, a/c, microwave, tv/fm antenna...etc..etc.. ;-)
John Canfield said:
No, not the only one.  At last count you were one of 14 people. :D

Geez, John, I only know of 2.  Who are the other 12?

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