Desperately need E-Mail help

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Well-known member
May 2, 2009
Northcentral Oklahoma
I have an HP laptop with Vista I've been using ever since Vista came out and it included Windows Mail to use for my e-mail sending/receiving.  If I understand things my server is
My problem started today when I received an e-mail this morning and it just keeps repeating as I delete it, and more come in each time I read the last one.  So far there has been at least more than 20 repetitions of the same e-mail coming in.  I have an error message #0x800CCC90, which when I Google it I get several different approaches to solving the problem but some of them sound a little scary for a computer Dummy like me.  One said to click on Tools, select Accounts, then select e-mail account but this is where I'm lost as I see no "e-mail account".
Another approach ended up saying be very careful how you do this.
Has anyone else ever had this particular problem with the same e-mail just keep coming?

Hopefully someone can help me here as I'm absolutely completely lost and in entirely unfamilar territory.

Read this set of messages which contains links to support for Windows Mail.  One possible cause is your anti-virus program interfering with email.  It could also be just a temporary server problem.  There seem to be several possible causes of this error but it's been encountered before, so one of those links in the above page should point to a solution for you, if it doesn't clear up by itself.
Thanks Ned.  One of the suggestions was to disable Avast (which I am using for my anti-virus protection) "Mail Shield".  Would anyone who is using Avast please help me know where/how to disable this.  I got to where I thought the Disable is but all I could do was Unclick the two boxes for "checking incoming/outgoing e-mail".  Did this do it? 
This seemed to be the quickest and easiest of all the suggestions so thought I would try it first.  At least on the surface it seemed easy.
Those 2 check boxes should do it for POP3 and/or IMAP email, but may not have any effect on web mail (email that you read in your browser).  How are you getting your Windows Mail, in a browser or with an email program?
I guess it would be with an e-mail program.  Windows Mail has an icon on the Start-Up screen that I click on to access my e-mails.

I thought turning off Avast Mail Shield was helping but I'm starting to get the duplicate e-mails already again this morning, so undoubtedly that's not the fix.

I also have e-mail I get through Firefox browser that is  On it I can delete an e-mail without opening it but I haven't figured out how to delete an e-mail without opening it in Windows Mail.  Any suggestions there in case things start to get really hairy?
I also tried one of the other suggestions that said to click on Tools, select Accounts, select my e-mail account, click on Properties, choose the Servers Tab, then be sure the box with "Log on using an authentication"  (think that's what it was) was not checked (and it wasn't checked), then click OK and close.  That seemed as it should have been so no help there.
I'm not familiar with the inner workings of Windows Mail so I can't offer much more than the above.  A Google search on windows mail help turns up some possibly useful links.

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