Directions to the 2025 rally location

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2014
Cedar Falls, IA
We are in basically the same location as last year. Use these directions for the 2025 rally. Take Hy95 south from the town of Quartzsite to the Tyson Wash LTVA on the west side of the highway (right). Enter at the Visitor Contact Station, and get your sticker if you will be camping. Then continue down the main “road” going north northeast to it dead ends in Old Yuma Road, turn south (left). Continue on Old Yuma Road until you see the new water tank on the right. Continue a bit until you get to the first left past the water tank. This is BLM 561. Continue on 561 past the bathroom and look for a sign to the RVForum area. There is another camper who has placed solar powered night lights at the turn also. Look for our red/gold/cream RV as shown in my profile. Feel free to set up anywhere in a reasonable distance, pointing your rig which ever way works best for you.

Oops! Here is the GPS location.
33.62551N. 114.22837W
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Dusty, if anyone interested in the rally doesn’t already know where Quartzsite is, it is probably too late to fix that LOL! I did add the GPS location which should have been in there originally.
According to Facebook group there are a lot of thefts this year. I wasn't a member of it last year so can't compare to then.
According to Facebook group there are a lot of thefts this year. I wasn't a member of it last year so can't compare to then.
There have been more thefts in town and more thefts in Scadden Wash. Scadden Wash has always been a theft prone area, probably due to its proximity to the interstate. We have already had a neighbor come by to say he is looking after other’s camps when they aren’t around and to ask us to do the same for his. Hopefully he comes to our Happy Hours - nice guy. And the RTR finishes today, and SkooliePalooza starts soon. Hopefully that removes a lot of transients. Since you have to pay a (very nominal) price for the LTVA, not as many worrisome folks are around here.

ETA I just read about three side by sides getting stolen in town in the last few days! All joy riders leaving broken machines someplace. Guess we will start putting the wheel lock on ours. There really isn’t anything else worthwhile stealing that we leave out.
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We are in basically the same location as last year. Use these directions for the 2025 rally. Take Hy95 south from the town of Quartzsite to the Tyson Wash LTVA on the west side of the highway (right). Enter at the Visitor Contact Station, and get your sticker if you will be camping. Then continue down the main “road” going north northeast to it dead ends in Old Yuma Road, turn south (left). Continue on Old Yuma Road until you see the new water tank on the right. Continue a bit until you get to the first left past the water tank. This is BLM 561. Continue on 561 past the bathroom and look for a sign to the RVForum area. There is another camper who has placed solar powered night lights at the turn also. Look for our red/gold/cream RV as shown in my profile. Feel free to set up anywhere in a reasonable distance, pointing your rig which ever way works best for you.

Oops! Here is the GPS location.
33.62551N. 114.22837W
I had to make some changes to the GPS location to get it to show up on my map.

Also, doesnt the main road that runs from Hiway 95 to Old Yuma road go North Northwest?
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How many in camp so far??.>>>Dan I will be there the 17th
There are a grant total of 3 of us and 2 rigs (motorhome & travel trailer). The motorhome is easy to see from the road.

Also, I'm surprised to find that my Visible (Verizon network) hot spot works very well. I had purchased a Starlink connection, but haven't bothered to set it up. I've heard that some mobile cell towers with generators have been installed which greatly enhanced the mobile phone capacity.
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I have always use a Verizon "jetpac" with very good result.
Yeah, I am very happy with my Orbic R500L5 on the Verizon Network. It's what I use on all my RV trips, for it not to work, even when out in the middle of nowhere, is rather rare.

The few places where I get no connection I can remember, such as the Big Bend of Texas.


-Don- Reno, NV
how much does it cost per month for those Verizon devices? I was paying $99/mo for a Verizon mifi with a data cap of 30gb/month. Switched to the FMCA program with unlimited data and faster speeds at $69/mo (not including fmcs membership)
how much does it cost per month for those Verizon devices?
It depends on the plan. In most cases, you get what you pay for.

I probably have the most expensive plan of all, unlimited Verizon data. I pay $119.89 per month, which has been mostly a waste of money for me, as most months I can probably get by with their cheapest plan which I think is around fifty bucks. But there have been times I used a lot of data, even doing things like downloading map updates to my GPS--even if it takes overnight. I did that for my motorcycle GPS when I was in the Everglades because I forgot to update it for the SE states before I left.

I also use it for watching TV on during my RV trips. SmartTV which I never tried before my Everglades trip, but my new RV came with three SmartTVs, so I played around with it and watched TV while in the Everglades. Now it is the only TV I watch, even when I am home, using these thingies on all my many older TVs in each house as well as in my Y2K RV.


I just keep it on the unlimited plan and I don't even think about how little or how much I use it.

-Don- Reno, NV
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