DirecTV premium channels content protection prevents viewing

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2010
Waco, TX
Picture my ire...just got setup and select a program on Starz 525 and get message "Your TV does not support this program's content protection." message. Works fine on my bedroom TV. Worked fine two weeks ago.
Has anyone else experienced this?
DirecTV tech support says it is the TV,a near new 32" inch Philips. DirecTV suggests using composite video (note resolution is degraded to 540i)
Any solutions out there short of replacing TV?
Another question I have posed to DirecTV is why they haven't alerted their customers to developing issues affecting programming and reception.
I have had the issue and bounced the channel and it disappeared. That's not a scientific explanation, though.  :(

I have one Sony HDTV connected HDMI and one connected composite to the same tuner. Since I cannot replicate the problem, it's hard for me to say.
skyking4ar2 said:
I have had the issue and bounced the channel and it disappeared. That's not a scientific explanation, though.  :(
What do you mean by "bounced the channel?
I like scientific but if it works I can use voodoo. ;)
It's not really DTV's fault, though they might indeed have given warning.  Premium channels like Starz & HBO are now requiring distributors like DirectTV to use HDCP content protection, and some TVs don't support it. Usually it's older ones, but some lower priced brands don't have it either. I guess its one way they cut the price.  HDCP applies only with an HDMI or DVI connection to the tv, so you can use component (RGB) video at full HD resolution or composite video at lower, SD, resolution. Or get an updated tv.

You can read more about it at these sources:
:) :mad:
All is a little better with the world. Still angry at DirecTV with their failure to advise their customers that there may be problems with premium channel  viewing but was able to resolve.
Went to the Philips support website entered model of TV and checked for software upgrades. Lo and behold...Software version .08 subject addressed loss of access to digital rights protected programming.
I downloaded the software and followed the provided instructions for a successful update to .08 (had to do the install twice...first time, TV did not show the new version as present).
Thanks all for info and support. Also, kudos to Philips for a straightforward and easy to navigate website. (negative comment re Philips - I registered TV with them at purchase for the sole reason of getting any notices for updates and didn't get a notice - boo :( )
Like Gary mentioned, it's not Direct's fault. You more than likely will have gotten that message from Dish or your MVPD provider at home. It's an automatic thing that Direct has no control over whatsoever, and it's often not limited to "premium" channels. One day, all program creators will likely require HDCP complaincy of all equipment, just because they can.

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