Directv question

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Feb 14, 2013
Ok we have directv now in our home. We want to take it on the road with us but the problem is we aren't going to be in this home any longer. Since we are going fulltime we won't have a home address besides our p.o. Box we will be getting.

Any way to do this? Without a huge hassle and all that jazz?
You will want to get a mobile account for the RV. That will enable you to qualify for the Distant Network service if you choose to, or you can select the local area (service address) of your choosing.  While it is theoretically possible to change your existing account over to a mobile account in the RV, my experience with Direct TV customer service suggests it may be easier to drop the house account and get a new one for the RV. On the other hand, I had a hard time getting my first RV account set up too. Once I got a rep who actually knew what an RV and a mobile account was, it was easy. Before that, it was a nightmare.

Try calling Direct and ask to speak to someone who can handle a mobile RV account. Maybe they can take care of everything for you quickly and easily.

The receiver you have at home may not work with the equipment in the RV. Do you know what dish or dome you will be using there?
Here is how you set up an RV account with DirecTV

You call, mention "RV" and they switch you to KVH.. No you don't want KVH you need to set up an account

You call Mention an RV and they switch you to KVH,....  (Humm, was that not what happened the fvirst time

And the third, and 4th and 5th and finally you get tired of hearing KVH and say

If you switch me to KVH I'm calling DISH NETWORK. now, I want to set up an RV account and then....

They transfer you to the one and only person who knows how to do that.
Here's a link to all the information you need to set up a mobile account and apply for Distant Network Services (DNS) which is the ability to receive network channels throughout the country using either an East Coast or West Coast feed:

It really isn't all that difficult but you must complete the waiver request and provide a copy of your registration card to prove your receiver is in an RV or boat.  When you speak with a representative, ask them for the fax number you can send the waiver request to rather than mailing it and having to wait for a week or two before it is acted on.  When it is approved you will not notice anything changes except you will be able to receive network channels around 390 in the Guide.
I just went through a whole issue with my satellite tv at Alliance Service in Wildwood.  Direct TV is the way to go.  I got Dish for the motorhome as that is what we have in the house.  I had Direct TV in it before.  I got this because I could buy the receiver and just pay $7 a month for service and no additional time on my contract.  Big mistake.

They worked for hours trying to get it to work, even though they discounted it a ton even after working with Winegard, they determined I had gotten a refurbished receiver from DISH and it does not work and is the wrong series.  When I get back I have to get a different series receiver.  They said more people are going with Dish and its giving them fits.  I may end up having to go back to DIrect TV.

So sounds like you went in the right direction.
Thanks guys! I am going to call tomorrow but I didn't want to call and not know what to ask about.
Don't let them try to set you up with a local installer company - they won't know what to do about a portable dish. Demand to speak with somebody who knows how to handle an account for an RV.
If you decide you want to add the Distant Network Service after establishing your mobile account download the form and fax it to this number tel:208-363-6444 as it will save you a lot of time waiting for Directv to respond.
Gary RV Roamer said:
Don't let them try to set you up with a local installer company - they won't know what to do about a portable dish. Demand to speak with somebody who knows how to handle an account for an RV.

sorry,but not true. i am an installer and i do rv's all the time. get a tripod off craigslist and 2" pole from heme depot. cut it down to about 8" over the top of the tripod and we can take it from there. you have to get a tripod from craigslist or something like that. directv does not use them anymore hence we wont hace a tripos with us. good luck!
Both Tripod and mast pipe can be found at Radio Shack, Home Depot, Lowes, I'm sure Mennards though I've never looked,  I suspect Best buy and, of course other stores.

Camping World and several RV dealers have special things for RV's that consist of a heavy duty base and a "Gimbal" type mount (or ball and socket) so you can set it down then release a latch, "Plumb" the mast and lock it down (Very handy but .. $$$)  They shoudl have tripods too. 

If you want to go first rate you can get a surveyor's tripod and some places still have mast adapters for those,  These can be tied down with a "Claw" or a dog tie so they do not blow over and have adjustable legs so you can level them properly.

Lots of options.

The installer who did my RV was just a generic installer, Had no problems at all. There is NOTHING special about an RV install save the tripod.

It appears the gimbal mount one I described above is no longer in the CW catalog.
Gary RV Roamer said:
Wow - I'm impressed. But I wouldn't want to count on finding another one like you.

I think you just proved my point: don't count on a local installer for a portable dish with an RV.
just dont count on us for the tripod since we dont have them anymore, but we do have other non-permanent options like. sled mount. flat metal, sits on the ground with cinder blocks. Also, if an installer tries to charge you for one they are full of it, they are free for all customers since about a year ago. If you do buy something from somewhere just make sure it is a 2" mast since ALL of our stuff is 2" now.  Happy camping!
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