DirecTV satellite SK-3005 being replaced

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2012
Catherine's Landing in Hot Springs, AR
I just read a discussion on a different forum that Winegard is replacing their SK-3005 (for DirecTV) with a unit that has a built in SWM.  I think this is great news and allows users to take advantage of all the new technology out there, like the Genie which has 5 built in tuners. Also allows you to record and play back programs stored on the Genie on other units you have in the coach.  Very cool.  8)

Of course those of us that already have the SK-3005 can buy a kit to switch to a SWM type operation. I'm not sure if the same setup exists for DISH or not.
I am going to prepare for the Genie.  I'm going to start by ordering the SWM-8 kit, and wiring it into my existing setup.  If nothing else, I will be able to remove the B-band converters which is a point of failure, and take up a lot of room.  I will then be positioned to get the Genie. 

I'm a little confused by the DirecTV website, in that it says that the Genie is not yet available to existing customers.  What would happen if I went to a site like Weaknees and just ordered it?  I may at least call them and see what they think. 

While it is rare that I want to record more than 2 things at the same time, it does happen from time to time. But one of the big benefits is the extra storage, and being able to watch programs from the Genie in a different room.  A nice thing for us RV full-timers that watch too much TV.  ;D
2 HD DVRs and Whole House will give you four recordings at a time and share with any other rfeceiver in the house. My Traveler 3005 is going up on the roof tomorrow so I think I'll wait awhile.

How will a SWM-8 switch work with a Slimline LNB?
DakotaRed said:
I'm a little confused by the DirecTV website, in that it says that the Genie is not yet available to existing customers. 

That seems like an oddball decision by Direct TV. Why wouldn't you take care of the people that are already paying your bills?
SargeW said:
That seems like an oddball decision by Direct TV. Why wouldn't you take care of the people that are already paying your bills?

Right ON!  One of our receivers croaked a while back and I called to get a replacement... for existing customers a replacement is expensive... plus they wanted to send a tech out for even more $$$...  I ask if I could be treated like a "new" customer... receivers, no extra charge; installation, no extra charge; etc, etc.  "Well of course not, we can't do that"!

Whenever I have a problem with DTV, I ask to cancel the account. Frequently I suspend service when the coach is not going to be used for an extended period and DTV always denies my request. I then ask to cancel my account and, when transferred to the retention department, get another suspension for as long as I requested.

If you can cancel the account without early cancellation penalty, cancelling the account for 60 or 90 days (IIRC) will reset you as a new customer.
We currently have a KingDome 9762-LP mounted on top of our RV and it's connected to DirectTV in the states. Problem is we're in Mexico about 1000 miles south of the border so don't get reception.  What we had on our previous motor home was MotoSat/DataStorm and HughesNet and satellite connections gave us both internet and TV.  Ideally we would like a portable, tripod, unit that would do what our old roof mounted one did.  Is that possible?  Winegard has said their portable carry-out wouldn't work here either and others only work about 100 miles south.  Who knows someone in San Miguel Allende who is a techhie and connected with mobile unit?

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