Dirt on Pleated Drapes

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2009
Anyone have any good ideas how to clean dirt off of pleated drapes in our motorhome?
Pleated drapes or the pleated shades.  We had a MH with drapes and had them dry cleaned although some can be washed.  There should be a label some where that says how and what to do.

If the pleated shades, wash in cool water and something like Woolite.  It has worked for us.  We also used Oxyclean on ours.  Hang them up but tie them in the closed position to better retain the creases. 

You may want to use laundry starch to stiffen either drapes, if washed, or the shades.
If they are regular drapes then off to the dry cleaner. If they are day n night type shades I would recommend not using any type of scrubbing action on them. If rinsing and a gently sponging didn't take it all off, I'd go with ultrasonic cleaning. It's amazing what ultrasonic cleaning will take off or out of day n night type shades.

Yes, they are the pleated shades made of that real delicate material. I am just leary of using anything on them. We had grandchildren over and they splashed some food onto the shades.
I'd look for the closest ultrasonic place then. I did all of mine when we bought the coach (9) for $20 each and they picked up and delivered. They came out like new for a fraction of the cost of new.

billwild said:
Anyone have any good ideas how to clean dirt off of pleated drapes in our motorhome?

Our front windshield drapes have water stains on them. We may try machine washing them someday!

Scott  :)
After the estimate from the dry cleaner scared us half to death, it was into the washing machine on gentle cycle. Added bonus was we hung it up straight out of the washer and let it air dry. It worked well for us.
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