Distorted text in browser

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Jul 1, 2006
Land of Lincoln
Lately I've started noticing weird distorted text while scrolling in internet browser windows.  See attached image below for an example, section under the "Pug Page" heading.  It's happening in Firefox (because that's the only browser I use), Windows 7, on a 1-2 year old laptop, happens almost every time I am reading online, and just started recently.  Once I scroll the text up/down, or minimize/maximize the window, the line of text clears up until the next time.

Is this a laptop display issue?  Software problem?  Anyone have this happen?  It's fairly annoying, and if the distortions are a sign of something more serious, then I want to take care of it.


  • text.jpg
    70.7 KB · Views: 35
If that didn't work ...this may apply  http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/952078
Looks like driver or graphics card issue. 

As you're using a laptop, you might want to try and blow dust out of the vents.  Laptops can have problems with heat it may be due to your graphics card over heating which is very common in laptops in my experience..

had to reply, we've got a Pug ;-)
EIther the font they use for that text is not resident on your system so the browser is doing it's best or the font is not compatible with your monitor resolution... I usually see that in a DOS window if I choose the wrong font.. Yes, I still use command prompt.
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