Do I get an award or something???

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2010
Back in U.S.A. Headed to WA, OR, & Napa, CA
I just turned over 200,000 miles on my motorhome last week, plus it has been 12 years since I hit the road full-time. Is there an award or something for this?

I bought new and have driven all of those miles myself with the exception of maybe 150 I let my oldest son drive on the freeway one day and the initial maybe 500 miles it had on it for being driven to various RV shows. (The dealer bought this vehicle loaded, and took it to several RV shows. Everything was still covered by plastic and unused, but I got a good deal on it because the RV shows were over.) And I am older than almost all of you on this forum, I am guessing, because I was born in the middle of WWII.

Or do I have to wait for the congratulations until I drive those extra 650 miles? I am hoping to make it another five years, but you never know at my age.
Hi Judy JB,

That is about an average of 46 miles per day!

We've had our RV for 8 years now and have put 43,000 miles on in that time. Wondering if you have had a tune-up during that time?

Many more miles and safe travels!
And I am older than almost all of you on this forum, I am guessing, because I was born in the middle of WWII.
There are at least a few of us who are older than you as I was born just under a year after it began. On the mileage, you have driven your coach way more in 12 years than we did as we started with about 300 miles and finished with about 85k on the motorhome but put a total of just over 280k on 3 different towed vehicles. We used to sit for between 1 and 4 months as RV volunteers and visit everything for 100+ miles in all directions, then move on to a new area. We spent a month or longer in 39 different states in those 12 years and spent at least a week in 8 more states.
You loose,,, I was born 6 months BEFORE WW2 WAS DECLARED.. That would make it June of 1941.>>>Dan ( Quick,, how old am I? )
You loose,,, I was born 6 months BEFORE WW2 WAS DECLARED.. That would make it June of 1941.>>>Dan ( Quick,, how old am I? )
You will be 83 in June and I will be 81! We both win since we are still alive and relatively healthy. I don't know about you, but I have lost a lot of high school friends in the last 10 years.

They don't do tuneups, but I have had spark plugs and coils replaced twice so far on my v10. Also just had front end alignment and wheel bearings replaced on front wheels and a new radiator installed.

Way back when I was writing a quality course for Ford, my Ford colleagues (Corporate 6-Sigma Team) said I ought to get 300,000 - 400,000 miles on my engine, easily. Hope they are right. The trick will be to get 100,000 more miles on me.
Just because you Americans didn't enter WWII until 1941, it began September 1939 when the rest of the world were fighting the Axis powers.

There are at least a few of us who are older than you as I was born just under a year after it began. On the mileage, you have driven your coach way more in 12 years than we did as we started with about 300 miles and finished with about 85k on the motorhome but put a total of just over 280k on 3 different towed vehicles. We used to sit for between 1 and 4 months as RV volunteers and visit everything for 100+ miles in all directions, then move on to a new area. We spent a month or longer in 39 different states in those 12 years and spent at least a week in 8 more states.
You're a bit older than me, my entrance was 10:10 12/25/42 However we are a young 81.
Just because you Americans didn't enter WWII until 1941, it began September 1939 when the rest of the world were fighting the Axis powers.

Lucky for the rest of the world too. Were it not for America the Brits would be speaking German or Russian now. We were btw., at war with Germany on your behalf, our war, which we fought secondarily to the Germany first campaign Roosevelt was talked into by Churchill, was with Japan and which we won with virtually zero Allied assistance, outside Australians and New Zealanders, until the very last few months.
Onerlef, maybe you should go back to look at the history books. We had troops in Asia from 1941.


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