Dometic fridge repair

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New member
Mar 2, 2013
I am new to this forum, so bear with me if I get off track. I have a Dometic two-way that cools on gas but not on 110v. Fuses and breakers are good, so I suspect the heating element is bad. Anyone have any experience replacing this element? Also, I just completed rebuilding the suspension components on my 1998 Aljo Sport Wagon. Dexter offers a kit with greasable bronze bushings, and a new equalizing center hangar for the springs. Most trailers come new with nylon bushings, and at 20,000 miles mine were completely gone, leaving metal to metal contact and a lot of play in the springs and shackles. Dexter's kit was easy to install and I would recommend it to anyone with a few miles on their rig.
Before you jump to quickly on the element itself, there are several fuses located on the back of the fridge itself. Have you checked those??

They can be found in a little black box on the back of the fridge, remove the cover and you will  find 3 glass tube fuses mounted on a small circuit board, one of which is for the 120V supply. (F7 if my memory serves me) but a voltmeter will help a lot here. I have never had to replace the element yet but have replaced the fuse at least 3 times.....

It might help more  if you gave us the model number.....

Also, check the plug and outlet at the back of the fridge. They are known to give issues being exposed to the elements.

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