Double upload/download speed trick?

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And if it does let us know. I am an old cynic who thinks that if it was that easy all cables woud be built like this.
I would suspect that very few Ethernet installations involve just a single cable from computer to source (router or modem).  I have house cat5 wiring and hubs involved.  Would I have to parallel every cable run to gain this speed improvement? 
First, don't take see on YouTube at face value.  In this case, make that double.  Really, just wrapping the ends of a second cat-5 cable to the original with black tape??  C'mon.  Faster Internet by osmosis.  When he did his speed tests, it didn't show him actually swapping the cables, just the two speed tests.  It's very easy, especially after "zooming in", to switch from a slow connection to a faster one.  Besides, the Internet speed is not determined by the connection you have at your house (well, not totally anyway), but at the Service Provider.  If they have you capped at 5Mbps, that's all you're gonna get from the provider.  It doesn't matter how fast it is from your computer to your modem.

Another horkey video posted by someone with too much time on his hands.  But if someone wants to try it, please post the results.  Heck, I might even do it myself since I have lots of cat-5 cable.  Should be easy to debunk!
I read the messages below the video on YouTube, and I wouldn't have given it creedence except that a friend sent it to me swearing it helped him.  I too was skeptical, and also it wasn't April 1.  So...I'm inclined not to try it for obvious reasons, but I wanted to know if the computer gurus on here had an opinion.  Myself, I couldn't see the logic behind it working, and I didn't watch the part of the video about the math.
The whole problem is that if you use an Internet speed test like he is using you can get two wildly different speeds in back to back tests. So someone could try it and get different results thinking the cable caused the difference.
I assume he flunked both math and physics when he was in school.

His logic is flawed (Physics) as no information goes though the 2nd wire, ti's not connected and thus does not add to the area of the wire.

And area is not Pi*R it's Pi*(R^2)

I am reminded of another Y-T video a new motor developed by some researchers in Detroit that can run on anything.

They pour a bunch of junk, including waste oil and soda pop into a bottle, Stick the stopper in it, there are two pipes through the stopper, the short pipe has a hose that runs to the motor, the long pipe extends down into the liquid, they start the motor the liquid boils and they talk about how the engine is clean and such.

They never show you the tank of either hydrogen or propane under the table on the other end of the long-pipe hose.
Let me put my somewhat logical mind to work....

  Albeit, I don't know where the actual meter indications are generated. Inside the computer or actually by the original server at your ISP.

  If internally in the computer then consider this: The second cable is capable of transmitting stray pulses via induction at each end. If in perfect synch with the real cable then all that would happen is the pulses amplitude might increase a bit.  I they are slightly out of phase (probably) then there will be multiple pulses occurring spaced slightly apart. This could cause the meter calculation to go haywire (pardon the pun). ???

  OK, ponder that a bit and what say ?

He really had me hooked.  I figured the three wraps formed a transformer coupling effect or something.  I was ready to give it a try until JFD debunked the math for us.  Whew!  ;) ::) :D
Hi Lou,  Just a written formula error on a piece of paper should not be visible on his test pictures.

Unless the hole thing is a hoax; then I wonder why he would do that.

Luckily I am not going to try it. Don't use Ethernet cables. I am on a cable modem with only USB cables.
  My speeds are 48 down and 5 up and I don't think that my ISP can go any faster, no matter what I do.

Want to ponder again ?  Cheers.
The dead giveaway to me was when he was wrapping the electrical tape and said to be sure to cover the ends of the wires so the electrons don't fall out.
Funny you should mention that, TomS.  Some time ago I had cable problems in my home...intermittent loss of signal.  Called the provider and he found a LEAK in the manifold in the big box on my lawn. Leaking signal into the air ??  I asked him and he said they have to be airtight.  Was he hoaxing me ?

New manifold and has been good for the last ten years.  Good grief.
carson said:
Funny you should mention that, TomS.  Some time ago I had cable problems in my home...intermittent loss of signal.  Called the provider and he found a LEAK in the manifold in the big box on my lawn. Leaking signal into the air ??  I asked him and he said they have to be airtight.  Was he hoaxing me ?

New manifold and has been good for the last ten years.  Good grief.
I don't know anything about cable systems but the story does sound strange. A cable doesn't broadcast a signal. So I don't see where it would have to be contained. However, cable comes wrapped in shielded wire. So possibly the box is a junction box and the cover needs to be on for shielding.
I'm surprised he didn't mention the bridge he has for sale, or the miracle hair restorer, or [fill in your favorite snake oil remedy].
TomS,  I don't know how the box works. The cable box has a large unit inside with plumbing like connectors all over, looks like a small engine. Science at work. Guess we need a cable expert to give us some info.
If the box is "leaking" it would not be allowing the signal to be broadcast from the box. It would allow interference to enter the box. But that's a big "if". I hope a cable expert can come along and explain it.

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