First, don't take see on YouTube at face value. In this case, make that double. Really, just wrapping the ends of a second cat-5 cable to the original with black tape?? C'mon. Faster Internet by osmosis. When he did his speed tests, it didn't show him actually swapping the cables, just the two speed tests. It's very easy, especially after "zooming in", to switch from a slow connection to a faster one. Besides, the Internet speed is not determined by the connection you have at your house (well, not totally anyway), but at the Service Provider. If they have you capped at 5Mbps, that's all you're gonna get from the provider. It doesn't matter how fast it is from your computer to your modem.
Another horkey video posted by someone with too much time on his hands. But if someone wants to try it, please post the results. Heck, I might even do it myself since I have lots of cat-5 cable. Should be easy to debunk!