douglasville georgia

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
Cottage Grove, Oregon
I picked up a new contract today and am headed there Monday morning. I will be there for at least 3 months and am hoping to get some recommendations for rv parks as close to there as possible. Any ideas?
Boy!  Good luck with that.  My Roadtrip Navigator only shows 3 CGs all about 20 miles out.  Looks like there are several mobile home parks that might accomodate you, however.
Thought I would put my final resolution in case down the road, someone picks this up on a search with a similar question. I am at the Atlanta West Campground. It is in Austell about midway between Douglasville and the western edge of Atlanta. It isn't fancy by any stretch but nice enough. The lady in the office is very kind and the fellow campers are friendly. It certainly more than meets my needs at a very reasonable price point.
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