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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2012
Indianapolis, IN
I have searched and so far, have not found a drawing of where all of my holding tanks are located and how easy it would be to get to them to fix sensor problem. Can someone point me to the drawing?

Also, are my sensors on the outside of the tanks or inside?  To make sure I kow what I am talking about. Please explain the difference between inside and outside sensors. (ie: and holes through the tank for outside).

Adventurer  35A
There are no drawings of where the tank sensors are for most RVs. Cleaning the sensors will not help much. Sensors rarely work correctly for very long. Most of us just live with sensors that don't work. It is basically a waste of time to try and fix them. The way I do it as a full timer is to dump about once every 10 days.
There are sheet metal access panels. You can get to them through the basement door or an area exposed when the slide is out.
If you check out the Plumbing Diagram for your coach you can see where the tanks are located.  Units manufactured before 4/30/04 utilize a Direct Contact Tank Level System and have a green circuit board on the monitor panel.  Units manufactured after 4/30/04 utilize a Non-Contact Tank Level System and have a red circuit board on the monitor panel.
Winnebago does offer tank placement drawings along with wiring diagrams and plumbing diagrams - in a PDF format. Do you have those?

If not go HERE

2005 was the year Winnebago went standard with the TrueLevel outside tank sensor system. Even though the sensors are on the outside of the the tank enough crud can build up on the inside of the tank to fool the sensors.
I had already been there. Can't find the tank placements in the plumbing section, or anywhere else. Like the DW says --"two hands and a flashlight".
Director said:
I had already been there. Can't find the tank placements in the plumbing section, or anywhere else. Like the DW says --"two hands and a flashlight".

The 1st and 3rd pages show the black and gray tanks in their locations relative to the dump valves, etc.  The 4th page shows the fresh water tank.

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