Driver foot switch -- what is it?

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Feb 21, 2009
Capitola, Ca.
OK, I feel really stupid asking -- but what is the small push button type foot switch that is on the left driver side floor of my 1995 Pace Arrow.

It looks like the top half of a C-size battery and clicks when pressed. It doesn't seem to activate the ejector seats or cause any other dramatic change, but I feel like I'm missing some cool feature by not using it.

I doubt it's a "dimmer" switch on 1995 vehicle.

I'm guessing you have a diesel and the switch is associated with braking. :-\ ??? 
Now I'm curious....  I'd bet it's not a headlight high/low switch from the factory, pretty sure those died out in the last 60's early 70's.  I had a switch like that which was the starter for a '49 Case tractor..  but you'd certainly know if that was your starter...

Push it already! ;-)
I still have 2 vehicles with a foot headlight switch to shift between high beam and low beams.  A 1962 and 1975 International Scout.
If it's a gas engine, could be the switch for a Gear Vendor under/overdrive unit. Looks like the old dimmer switches. Controlls the unit when it's set to 'manual'.
Agree that it is probably an aftermarket add-on - to the best of my knowledge there was no factory floor switch.  I had the sister ship to the Pace, a 1996 Southwind, and it had nothing like that.  If it's a headlight high/low switch bean switch, it's an add-on. Could also be the Gear Vendor shifter switch that rolling condo mentioned.

If your Pace is diesel, it is almost surely a manual engage switch for an exhaust brake, which would also be an aftermarket add-on, since the factory Pace diesel did not have an exhaust brake.
I don't think it's a dimmer -- although it's exactly like those old ones. I tried out with headlights on and it had no effect on the lights.

Also, my Pace is a gas engine, so the exhaust brake is out.

Looks like I'll need to climb underneath it and see where it goes. I'll let everyone know.
It might have been for an air horn or for a clearance light flasher..
or maybe fog/road lights..
you'll need an assistant to try your hunt & peck approach..
Good luck

My 1999 Country Coach has the high/low switch on the floor for headlights.... It came that way from the factory.
Terry A. Brewer said:
My 1999 Country Coach has the high/low switch on the floor for headlights.... It came that way from the factory.
Wow, learn something new every day.  If it's that it'll be easy for the OP to test...
Ours has the foot switch for the headlights and the clearance light switch is on the dash panel.
Ummm...does your Pace have a dimmer on the column??
Foot switches do go bad, so if you have no other dimmer that could be why you saw no result on the headlights.

BTW...a starter switch wouldn't have a click since those are momentary contact.
I met a gentleman last year on Galveston that arrived one afternoon in a beautifully restored 1950's bus conversion, this thing was a knock-out from top to bottom.  His plan was to just spend the weekend and head back to Houston so two mornings later I hear him attempting to start the bus.  It cranks, it fires, it dies.  I head over to his space with my morning coffee and listen as he tries to start it.  To my ear it sounds like the runaway valve on the intake might have closed or the jake is on.  We open up the engine compartment and nope, the runaway valve is open.  I ask him about the jake and he doesn't have a clue as to whether it even has one or what one is for that matter (he didn't do the restoration he just bought it).

As I'm standing by the drivers hatch/door I noticed a "dimmer switch" on the floor and asked him if that was his headlight dimmer to which he replied no but he didn't know what it was.  I reached in and pushed it then he hit the starter button on the dash and VIOLA, we now have diesel smoke.  Turns out the old mechanical diesel engine had a floor operated jake brake and the owner had stepped on it as he was climbing down out of the door/hatch when he arrived two days earlier.

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