Driver license - Canadian drivers beware

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2009
I'm watching the morning news and I just heard that Canadians will need a international license to drive in Florida have you heard anything more ridiculous :mad:
Three million Canadian snowbirds in Florida at $25 a pop, someone will make some money.
Since the $25 fee goes to the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA), at least it's not a Florida cash grab. Well, other than the "unlicensed driver" fines they'll collect.  ::)
Nothing nefarious there - the new requirement applies to ALL non-USA licenses.  A typical, idiotic, "unintended consequence" of a law intended to solve some minor problem.  ::)  They could and should grant an exemption for Canadian and UK licenses, though, since those are readily readable and comprehensible by Florida police. And neither Canada nor the UK asks that US citizens bring an International License.
Having lived in a northern border community for forty plus years I think it is a great idea and should be adopted nationally. Having had to deal with I.C.B.C. and the lack of reciprocity on the part of B.C. and canada to U.S. and Wa. state traffic laws it has become a major problem. Just look at the blue and white licence plates (or blue plate specials as we call them) willfully violate traffic laws due to any enforceable sanction once they cross back across the border.
I do agree that while travelling ignorance of the laws is no excuse.
I do realize that we have to obey the laws in the country we are visiting.

We now require Passports and have got them and would have got an International Drivers Licence if I knew one was required at the same time.

We are learning of this law just now and it has been in place for 6 weeks now.

The news reports say that car rental companies, CAA and other travel agencies that you would normally go to for travel information were not aware of the requirements.

When you cross the US boarder in a car or RV and asked where you destination will be you should not be allowed entry if you do not have the required documentation to operate there.
gwcowgill said:
I have driven in Thailand on a US license and went through Thai Police checkpoints without problem. Thai  Police checkpoints are quite common throughout Thailand.

How did that work for you in Mexico without Mexican insurance?
Maverick, I have never been to Mexico nor do I have a desire to drive in Mexico. If Canada wants an International Drivers License I will probably get one. I consider the International License another maney grabbing scheme.
gwcowgill said:
I consider the International License another maney grabbing scheme.

No argument there but that is exactly what I have come to expect from government.
I happen to be a Canadian snowbird living and driving in Florida with a Quebec drivers license and auto registration which are totally in the French language so I guess the reasoning for a foreign language has some validity but.... in looking at mine I wonder what information on it is considered really difficult to understand for most LEOS. The Number? (in big letters), Name, address, Class, (Classe(s) ) a number... but that information likely varies greatly even between states, validity date (Valide le:) expiry date (Expire le) ...... you get the idea!!! 

Just another black eye for the Florida tourist industry.... but it won't likely stop me from traveling to my winter home. What will hurt is the lack of publicity when these 10's of thousands of Canadians coming down here each year unaware of this rule and they get stopped, fined, and especially..... can`t rent a car ... Most short term visitors who fly in, do this .....

When you cross the US boarder in a car or RV and asked where you destination will be you should not be allowed entry if you do not have the required documentation to operate there.

Remember it is a STATE law right now. Border Control officers have no knowledge of the many, many State laws in effect, nor could they be expected to (imho). The border control officers will not even ask for a drivers license unless you have no passport and use the US government approved new drivers license for identification instead. It is not needed or checked for driver qualification. (We use passports as they are required for air travel anyway....) And holding an IDP won`t help anyone decipher the Quebec auto registration in French, heh heh!!!!)

Government Money grab?  The issuing body for an IDP would appear to be the CAA (Canadian Automobile Association), roughly equivalent to the AAA, unless you are considering the potential fine revenue collectable by the State of Florida....
Actually the requirement of an IDP has been in the books for quite some time. There was a reciprocity list of approximately 18 countries that were exempt from the IDP requirement and Canada was on the list. The reciprocity exemption has been eliminated. The idea is not only to be able to see in English the license holder's name and DOB but to show that at least when the IDP was issued the license was valid, not to raise extra funds. No other country gains from the purchase of an IDP other than the country it was purchased in. US does NOT have the capability to check and see if an out of country license is valid at the time of a crash or traffic stop. For example it takes one week to get results of whether a Canadian license is good or not using INTERPOL.
justlkn said:
For example it takes one week to get results of whether a Canadian license is good or not using INTERPOL.

Almost all InterPol requests at the state level take at least a week.  Certain states have immediate access to provincial licensing counter parts particularly if they share a border such as Washington and b.c.  Even if the canadian driver was found not to be a valid driver all we could do is cite and not let them drive in our presence.  Once  across the line they can ignore the fine.  Unlike the converse situation.

Apparently was meant for foreign languages only, typical government process
    Much has been said on this forum about reciprocal agreements between State and Provinces recognizing each other's Licensing requirements.  Well, I guess, my winter State has decided it has a different view, and not has passed a law requiring all non resident drivers to have an International Driver's License.  Luckily, it contravenes international agreements, but it can become exceptionally problematic if they chose to enforce it with a blind eye to the agreement.
  I guess Florida or its economy doesn't need the billions we Canadians spend each year.

    I was so annoyed by this lack of forethought I started a new thread, sorry.  One year International Licenses are not a viable alternative!


Note from Moderator: the two topics have been merged here.
Ed, did Florida initiate that law or did Canada ?  If Canada, does it apply tho all US states ? I guess we just don't know unless you know. It's easy to make assumptions.
    It is a Florida State law, as driving laws are up the each respective state. 
    The $25 goes to the issuer of the license, not to Canada or the Province, as you are required to have a valid license to get an international one.  So, it is $25 for the license, $40 for passport pictures, and hours in a line up to get it.  All to satisfy some bureaucratic B/S.  It is only good for 1 year, and cannot be renewed, it is the same process all over again.


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