Oscar Mike
I am not sure where to post this.
I am very new to RVing...my total mileage behind the wheel of my Fleetwood Bounder 33U (V10 Ford) is under 500 miles, mostly back and forth to the dealer over the last four months getting warranty work done. As of late I have been bothered by the prospect of driving down 6%+ grades that are somewhat common out west. The thought of getting up the grade doesn't bother me too much, pull into the right lane and climb the grade...but what happens when we get to the down side... How should I approach the grade? Once I am committed to the downhill grade, what then.
I am overly worried...as usual, but it would be great to hear from veterans of the road on how you handle steep downhill grades in a 34', V10 with Tow/Haul function.
I am very new to RVing...my total mileage behind the wheel of my Fleetwood Bounder 33U (V10 Ford) is under 500 miles, mostly back and forth to the dealer over the last four months getting warranty work done. As of late I have been bothered by the prospect of driving down 6%+ grades that are somewhat common out west. The thought of getting up the grade doesn't bother me too much, pull into the right lane and climb the grade...but what happens when we get to the down side... How should I approach the grade? Once I am committed to the downhill grade, what then.
I am overly worried...as usual, but it would be great to hear from veterans of the road on how you handle steep downhill grades in a 34', V10 with Tow/Haul function.