dual battery hookup

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Feb 4, 2013
hi i recently purchased a PD9245C , im hoping 45amps is enough converter for me.    I would like to add an additional battery to my system but i just wanted to check and see if that required anything like a battery isolation diode.  I plan on adding solar and a decent sized inverter for traveling away from full service camp grounds.

Not that I know off you can hook up as many as you wish in parallel. It just that more batteries you have amp/hour wise the longer it will take to recharge from discharged state.
A 9245 is  a good vonverter for say one Group 31 or larger or two smaller batteries. 

To use dual 12 volt batteries simply hook them in parallel, positive to positive, Negative to negative,  Puriests will yammer about the need to "Balance" the load and charge by hooking the trailer to the negative on one battery and the positive on the other.. I'm not so sure this is important, but it won't hurt so go for it.. As described below in ASCII

-{Battery}+=== Wire to fuse block, converter and loads.
Curious if someone could explain more on the dual battery hookup. Am I to just hook the trailer to one battery, and then get two wires to attach the 2nd battery to the first?
jaster1138 said:
Curious if someone could explain more on the dual battery hookup. Am I to just hook the trailer to one battery, and then get two wires to attach the 2nd battery to the first?
That will work. John described the "ideal" way.
I guess I'm trying to make sure I'm supposed to install in parallel correct? One battery's negative to the camper and the other battery's positive to the camper with a separate connection between each pole.  Does that sound right?
Battery 1 positive to Battery 2 positive.  Battery 1 negative to Battery 2 negative.  Pick whichever pos. and neg. terminals you want to supple the trailer.  I'm not a believer in the balanced load theory.  Positive is positive and negative is negative......unless someone wants to knit-pick over a few micro ohms.
This is correct if you are connecting 2 ea 12V batteries and want 12V output.  I believe this is your case.  If you want to connect 2 ea 6V batteries with 12V output, it is different.
I installed an additional 12V battery last year and it makes it easier if your are going to buy a battery, to get one that has dual positive posts, and dual negative posts. Mine has a standard post on top, and screw in connections on the side. They make different variations, and makes for a clean install with the cables.

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