Dutch Star House lights GFCI switch ???

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New member
Feb 15, 2013
My Dad has a 2000 Dutch Star with a cat diesel, the houselights won't come on, we put new house batteries in, I checked the owners's manual and it seems to lead back to MAYBE a GFCI switch, can anybody tell me where the switch might be located to reset it ? the owner's manual does NOT say where it's located just that it MIGHT be why the house batteries are not functioning. We also made up a set of new battery cables.
First of all the GFCI has no connection to the house lights as they are 12 volts DC and the GFCI controls some of the 120 Volt AC outlets only.  There is a fuse panel above the bed along side the AC panel for the DC circuits, at least in my 2001 DS.  The ceiling lights and others work off that panel.  The 2 spots above the driver and passenger work off the headlight switch.  Rotate the knob back and forth to verify that they work.

Do the 120 volt outlets work OK?

See the PM I am sending if you need more help.
Welcome to The RV Forum!

Like Jim said, the house lights are 12 volts.  If you put in new house batteries, the house lights should work from those batteries.

Look for a master disconnect switch that disconnects the house batteries from the rest of the electrical system so they don't discharge while in storage.

Usually the switch is inside the coach near the entry door, or it may be part of the main house monitor panel.  It may be called a storage switch.

GFCIs are associated with the 120 volt electrical system.  Usually they protect outlets in locations near water like the kitchen, bathroom and on the outside of the coach.

The only way a GFCI could affect the 12 volt lights is if the coach's 12 volt converter is powered by a 120 volt GFCI protected circuit.  It's a long shot, but could happen.

GFCI protectors are either located on an outlet or are part of the 120 volt circuit breakers in the main electrical panel.  Either type can protect several outlets, not just the one that has the GFCI buttons on it.
In other forums (never here) I have read posts by people who think every electrical problem is a GFCI, so I can understand your wondring about it.. No problem.

When you have an electrical problem there is a list of suspects.. Since this is a 12 volt problem let's run down the list.. Some of these I have seen personally

Note that there are TWO lists for 12 volt, Plugged in to shore power (or generator running if you have one) and not plugged in.  The two lists are much the same.

Running on batteries (not plugged in)
Dead battery,  Check voltage AT BATTERY TERMINALS with good volt meter or test lamp.
Battery disconnect in STORE, OFF or Disconnect position (Mine failed to return to USE once)
Bad connection

If plugged in we have assorted circuit breakers and yes, possiby a GFCI, add a bad converter and some more bad connections.

The common list:
Blown fuse
Multiple switches.. I have, for example 3 lights in the front and 1 in the bedroom and one in each bath that have both a wall switch, AND the switch on the lamp (The front lights have two 3-way wall switches) and if the switches are not all on, there is no light.
Bad wire (I had that too)

And lastly there is BOB, the Burned Out Bulb.
I received Denny's response and solution of the problem.

Jim,.............thank you for getting back to me on this, we're  in Arizona and I have no steady interenet access. We found the problem, it was a "battery" switch for "store OR use, it was on "store". My Dad is 87 years old, he drives the motorhome from Coeur d' Alene down to Parker AZ every winter, tow's his 18 foot flat bottom race boat behind the Dutch Star ..................at his age 9 AND the fact that he IS my Dad, he get's a "free pass" on this one ...................I don't know for SURE BUT, I think he might have bought this rig in Missoula ?.........I couldn't figure out how to "reply" on my original post, please feel free to copy and paste this there, I wouldn't want people on your site to think I blew you off.
Thanks again,
Denny Scales
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