DVD Recorder Help...

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2005
Benson , AZ.
Since we downsized, sold off, gave away, and tossed about everything we owned (felt like it), we are replacing items now that we are in a permanent address here in FL.  One item we had was a DVD player, but now we are considering a recorder.  One option is one with both the VHS and DVD.  This way we can record onto DVD some family tapes etc.  We also have some movies on VHS we would like to get to DVD. 

Questions  DVD + DVD - What is the advantage?  Any?  Just different?  If only one which would I want and why?  I am also considering just buying the DVD recorder, and getting a player for VHS.  Once I have the stuff transferred I won't have to hold onto the rest of it. 

Any particular units to avoid?  Favorites?

Thanks, I go to the store and clerks are useless so far.  I suppose a high end electronics place would work, but I don't know that I want to get tempted into one of the brazilion dollar units.


Note sure what you mean by DVD+DVD ??

If you meant VHS + DVD, I wish I had done that.  There are some very nice ones out now.  I was at Costco today and saw a really nice one.  It was a Phillips which is a reputable brand.

My DVD recorder is a Samsung which records both -RW -R and RAM.  I like the RAM feature because with RAM recording , you can operate as if it were a Tivo hard drive.  But if I had it to do over again, I would get a DVD recorder with a built in hard drive, because of the much greater storage capacity.  They are under $300 now.

There is no clear winner in the DVD+RW and DVD-RW arena.  Most DCD records will read/write both types of media as well as DVD-R and some even DVD-RAM.  The only difference is in the media and for your purposes, you'll be recording to DVD-R, not RW.
Smoky said:
Note sure what you mean by DVD+DVD ??

DVD blanks come in different "types"  There is DVD+R and DVD-R and DVD-RW (that I'm sure of) and a few more now days that I'm not so sure of so I won't comment on them.

But that is what he meant  DVD+R is often abbreavated DVD+ 

Alas, not all burners and not all players are cross compatable, however most newer (Read that last few years) DVD burners and readers are, I can not say all, because I have not seen them all, but I do know most of them are
Yes, that is what I meant, the + or - designation.  I haven't found a good definition or the benefits of either.  I did see one with a hard drive, here is a question, seems like it ought to make editing easier, but does it?  Is editing something I actually will attempt?  Something I can teach to my technophobe wife? 

Right now I have no dvd, and would like to regain the ability, but don't want to buy more than I need.

Pancake Bill:

I did a lot of research on these issues last year.

I discovered there is no real advantage to either the + or the - format.  And if you will be simply capturing off vhs or TV, and want a dvd for each show or taper, then you will not need the RW formats.  You can even add shows or tapes to a non RW DVD as long as you do not finalize it.  But you can only view it on your recorder until you finally do finalize it, at which time it is then available to most DVD players.  The RW vs R issue is mostly mute now, however, since all the new recorders will do both RW and R.

In summary I would not worry about the + or - issue. 

As for hard drive ... this is not so much for editing, but for capacity and convenience.  If you want to be able to record 40 or more hours of shows for playback at your convenience, or do time shifting ...i.e.  pause a show while you go get some snacks, or playback a close call in the NFL without missing the rest of the program ... these are the benefits of a hard drive.  You can later pick which shows you want to permanently archive on DVD and write over the rest.

Personally, I miss not getting a DVD recorder with a hard drive.

Hope some of these findings from my own research are helpful.
PancakeBill said:
Yes, that is what I meant, the + or - designation.  I haven't found a good definition or the benefits of either.

I will tell you right now the one and only real benefit of one format over the other (Eithe one)

IF, and only IF you have a DVD player or burner that is NOT multi-format (+/-/RW) you need to use the format it reads and/or writes

As i said, almost all "New" units will be multi-format.  I do have one "Vintage" unit that won't play ANY of those formats, it only plays factory pressed DVDs
Thanks guys.  I have a dvr anyway so I guess I won't really need the hard drive.  Looks like I am only over analyzing. 
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