Dying at Yosemite

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2012
St Cloud Florida USA
I read a lot of comments from people who are worried about being attacked by a bear and dying in Yosemite. Bears aren't the problem, it is selfies:


Selfies, and plain old fashion stupidity  ;)

I was sitting where that picture was taken a few years ago, great place. :))



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It's not the selfie that will kill you, it's the sudden stop at the bottom...  No disrespect intended for the young couple that fell to their death, visitors do things like this every year and it's always tragic. 

Yosemite Valley is surrounded by huge vertical walls of granite.  You can climb them, you can fly off of them (hang gliding), you can walk/hike and drive right to the edge of them, and you can hang your toes 3000' above the valley floor (only a few of the more popular areas have railings).  Once there, you're almost always rewarded with spectacular views.

I doubt there's ever been a year that multiple people haven't died from a fall in Yosemite...BE CAREFUL

BTW, I prefer my selfie while strapped in...


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Reminds me of the same kind of foolishness as the people chasing down bison in Yellowstone just to get a picture.
I was at Disney World a few years ago standing in the waiting room for It's A Bugs Life and there was this lady standing in front of me and she whipped out her camera and took a photo of her little boy. No big deal. But then about 30 seconds later she took another one. And in the next ten minutes she must have snapped about twenty more photos. Now I love taking photos but this was way over excessive. The kid wasn't doing anything that merited a photo, just standing in line.
SeilerBird said:
I was at Disney World a few years ago standing in the waiting room for It's A Bugs Life and there was this lady standing in front of me and she whipped out her camera and took a photo of her little boy. No big deal. But then about 30 seconds later she took another one. And in the next ten minutes she must have snapped about twenty more photos. Now I love taking photos but this was way over excessive. The kid wasn't doing anything that merited a photo, just standing in line.

But it was HER precious little child
The sad part about it is that there is going to be a bunch of guardrails going up every where that will spoil the natural beauty.
Same thing going on at the south rim of the Grand Canyon. Cant believe people want to climb out onto a cornice thats thousands of feet up. Natural selection has a way of taking care of its own. Sad but true.
muskoka guy said:
Same thing going on at the south rim of the Grand Canyon. Cant believe people want to climb out onto a cornice thats thousands of feet up. Natural selection has a way of taking care of its own. Sad but true.
There is a great book on deaths in the Grand Canyon. It seems to attract lots of future Darwin Award winners.


My favorite story is the guy who played a practical joke on his teenage daughter. He stood on the ledge and pretended to be falling in. There was a ledge a few feet below the barrier and he expected to land on the ledge. He did but he bounced and went right in. So she gets to live the rest of her life with the memory of her father killing himself playing a joke on her. :)(
Optimistic, it really does change people, I've read studies on people who take selfies. They tend to rate themselves higher on a scale of attractiveness than other people would rate them whereas people who aren't selfie addicts, rate themselves more closely in line with where other people rate them. I'm all for self esteem, but some people could use a little less lol

SeilerBird said:
My favorite story is the guy who played a practical joke on his teenage daughter. He stood on the ledge and pretended to be falling in. There was a ledge a few feet below the barrier and he expected to land on the ledge. He did but he bounced and went right in. So she gets to live the rest of her life with the memory of her father killing himself playing a joke on her. :)(
OMG!!!!!!! What a moron!!!! That poor girl!
RVMommaTo6 said:
Optimistic, it really does change people, I've read studies on people who take selfies. They tend to rate themselves higher on a scale of attractiveness than other people would rate them whereas people who aren't selfie addicts, rate themselves more closely in line with where other people rate them. I'm all for self esteem, but some people could use a little less lol
Fortunately I am not one of those who take a lot of selfies. I am not attractive.


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Tom. You're very handsome.

Someone recently told me that folks are getting plastic surgery to make them look like their filtered selfies...... here's mine.... it is a drastic Improvement...


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jackiemac said:
Tom. You're very handsome.

Someone recently told me that folks are getting plastic surgery to make them look like their filtered selfies...... here's mine.... it is a drastic Improvement...

Janet.....you might want to check this out! 
https://www.americasbest.com/ppc/save-money-eye-exam?gclid=CjwKCAjwyOreBRAYEiwAR2mSkuirE33Y0_NGKQvidDcJw1gbfjWUF_ePchC4d8EEg7-GslIswP4D4RoC0d8QAvD_BwE.          ;D
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