EAA Airventure, Oshkosh, WI

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Ron from Big D

Moderator Emeritus
Jan 30, 2005
Dallas, Texas
Hi all:

      We just left the EAA Airventure in Oshkosh, WI and boy was it a show.  The airfield stretches about 2 miles from north to south and there were planes galore.  Never saw so many in one place in my life.  Fly-in visitors were sleeping under the wings, in tents, etc..  Lot's of static displays along with a major flee market.  Obviously, the highlight of each day was the air show.  It would get under way just after noon and continue till 5:00 p.m..  It typically started with fly-byes of unusual aircraft, antiques and different classes of planes.  Depending on which day you were there, various stunt flyers would go up and do their thing, teams of stunt flyers such as the Aeroshell team would perform in AT-6 aircraft.  The Warbirds of the second world war were terrific.  Friday and Saturday, the show was complete with simulated strafing runs and bomb runs.  The jets from the Korean War came past so fast, it was all you could do to follow it with a camera.

      We got to hear Dick Rutan talk about his non-stop round-the-world flight in the Voyager designed by his brother Burt, which now hangs in the Smithsonian.  Needless to say, Burt Rutan is a genius aeronautical engineer.  We also watched his Space Ship One/ White Knight arrive and land at the show.  I have included some photos below.  Also, arriving on Wednesday, was Rutans Virgin Atlantic Global Flier.  This aircraft was jet powered and circumnavigated the world solo.

      If you have never been to this event and you have any interest in aircraft or flying, you have got to visit.  We loved every minute of it.



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I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the photos this week.  It's been many years since I attended an EAA Flyin but we will be going up there one of these years.  Lorna really wants to attend one too.
Ned said:

I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the photos this week.? It's been many years since I attended an EAA Flyin but we will be going up there one of these years.? Lorna really wants to attend one too.

I'll have to bring the computer, but I did make several prints.

Just burn a CD.  We can view them on my computer.
Bob Maxwell said:
This sounds like a midwestern Rally event down the road to me. . . 8)

In 2007 when it is my turn to plan the vacation, I'm there!  Thanks for sharing the photos.

Betty Brewer

I agree with Bob, an EAA rally could be fun. I have not been the the Oshkosh show since the early  eighties (pre RV days), but even then I remember trailer and motohomes parked in one area.

Only problem for me is that it is a four day drive (or a hard three day drive).

Pictures are great!


To All who responded:

    Thanks for the comments.  A rally might be nice.  Ned:  Too many for a CD without doing a selection.  There are about 1000.  Jim:  I will send the large shot for you.

Ned said:

Use more CDs :)? Can you burn a DVD?

Sorry Ned.  Don't have any.  Anyway, I still have a lot of sorting to go through.
When is Lorna due in?  Are we getting together later today? 

Tomorrow will have to be the main tour.  Plan to leave on Wed. morning unless something special going on.

Lorna will be back sometime today, probably late afternoon.  Tomorrow would be better.  I'll send you an email with directions to our site.

Thanks for the picture!!

If you have Steve Harrie's address from the old forum, send him a note as he just bought an '86 WL and needs advice and help.? Thanks for any help you can give him.
James Godward said:

Thanks for the picture!!

If you have Steve Harrie's address from the old forum, send him a note as he just bought an '86 WL and needs advice and help.? Thanks for any help you can give him.

Jim:    I don't have his address.  Tell him to visit our Wanderlodge Forum at Yahoo Groups.  Actually, there are (3) Forums.  Tell him to do a Google Search for Wanderlodge.  I'll help all I can if he gets in touch with me.

Hi Ron,

Like the pictures-envy you at this year's show.  Last time I was there, my plane was parked with hundreds of others pretty close to the commercial terminal.  So it was quite a hike over to the EAA area.  And as I recall, we were dodging thunderstorms just about every afternoon.

You say four days of show, but I seem to remember a week--haven't bothered to go to my log book to see when we flew in and when we flew out.  I guess they've shortened it over the years.  I don't follow aviation any more, save for my annual visit to the EAA fly-in at Arlington, WA, which is a father and son bonding venture<smile>.

Of the pics you posted, I'd put the one of the planes coming down the back side of the loop with smoke on at the top of the list.



    The show runs Monday through the following Sunday.

    I have a lot more of the aerobatics.  These guys are good.  The problem today is:  they do all the same stuff, even though they call the stunts different things.  Without the great materials being used in these planes, they couldn't do some of the tricks at all.  I like a well executed tail slide.  Don't remember which plane was involved, but the best tail slide was about 5 lengths of the plane.

I like a well executed tail slide.  Don't remember which plane was involved, but the best tail slide was about 5 lengths of the plane.

I remember years ago, Ron, when I was still freelancing for a Canadian aviation news paper as a sideline to my day job, watching a Russian jet fighter (something like an F-15 Eagle) do a tail slide at may be 1,500 to 2000 ft AGL.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  That was the year that their competitor to the C-5 Galaxie was also at the Abbotsford Airshow (come to think of it that must put it at around 1986, the year of the Vancouver Expo).  What a humongous aircraft.  Courtesy of my press credentials I got to up into the cockpit where I was so surprised to see the very rudimentary instrumentation.

But I think I'm like you: I've seen it all when it comes to aerobatics.  Mind you if Bob Hoover was still doing his Mustang routine, getting out that plane dressed in his business suit and tie and getting into the Shrike commander and repeating the routine, I'd watch that.



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