Early musical birthday present

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Jan 13, 2005
Today I satisfied two desires (lusts?) with a Martin 12-string guitar. I spent time at a Guitar Center over the weekend, playing different makes/models of 12-string, and kept coming back to the Martin. I returned today, wanting to be sure I still preferred the Martin to Taylor's equivalent. The Taylor has a narrower neck, making it a little more 'comfortable' for my small hand, but the sound didn't compare.

GC's 45 day return policy gives me some time to investigate alternatives. But, right now, I'm quite happy with it.
I didn't know anything about guitars until a few years ago when I heard a guy playing a 12 string.  I did some research and discovered they have amazing sound.

Good luck with your new "Toy"
Congratulations. Well you certainly cannot lose choosing between a Martin and a Taylor. Both make incredible guitars. I am jealous. I wish I could get a 12 string. I am shopping for a guitar but it must be a six string. My 8 string ukulele makes me long for the sound of a 12 string but my fingers are too weak to play one. I could play one but in about ten minutes my fingers would feel like they are falling off.
My 8 string ukulele makes me long for the sound of a 12 string ...

I've played my 8- string uke almost exclusively for a number of years, and the way it "fills out" the sound makes my 4-string ukes sound "empty". I'm a little concerned that the same thing might happen when I play the 12-string guitar regularly.

Yesterday I was talking with a bass guitar player who explained his accompanying 8-year old daughter played guitar and who recently added a classical guitar, a son who plays uke, and another son who plays drums. It didn't take his daughter long to find a nice used Fender plectrum banjo, and they were soon at the checkout. She flashed me a big smile and a thumbs up as I told the guy that daughters have a way of wrapping their Dad around their small finger.

Meanwhile, on the weekend I was lusting over a set of Roland drum pads. The GC drum room guy asked if I needed anything; I said "help me get this kit home without my other half noticing". He smiled and said "ah yes", like he'd heard that one many times.
I agree that my 8 string has ruined me for playing a four string uke. It just sounds much fuller. I too really loved playing a 12 string but it tore up my fingertips too much to play it constantly.
Oh, and my birthday is this week. Maybe Chris will forget the guitar and buy the drum kit as a "late" birthday present  ???
I too really loved playing a 12 string but it tore up my fingertips too much to play it constantly.
Wow. I find the opposite. Of course my playing goes in spurts, so often I don't have the calluses, but though it requires more pressure to get the strings down, my Takamini 12 string (tuned 2 frets low) is much easier on my finger tips than my Yamaha 6 string. That's besides the gorgeous sound difference. Love that 12 string.

Many years ago I had a friend with a Guild 12 string -- what an axe! Much stronger in the neck than my Takamini, so it didn't have to be tuned low, and a mighty sweet sound.

Last night I was watching a show about John Denver, and I noticed that he played a 12 string on many of his songs.

Today I satisfied two desires (lusts?) with a Martin 12-string guitar.
Congratulations, Tom -- that's got to be a sweet sound, and I bet it's a joy to play.
I had a friend with a Guild 12 string...

They had a Guild hanging on the wall adjacent to 12-string Takamine, Martin, Fender and Taylor, and it was the only one I didn't play  :(

Congratulations, Tom -- that's got to be a sweet sound, and I bet it's a joy to play.

Thanks Larry, I'm certainly enjoying playing it.

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